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Tiberian Dawn The Covert Operations Red Alert Counterstrike Aftermath Tiberian Sun Firestorm HyperPatch Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Ares Generals Zero Hour Tiberium Wars Kane's Wrath
Flag: Trailer
File(s): art(md).ini
Values: Strings: Normal text. (Limited to: Animation IDs)
Default: none
Applicable to: AircraftTypes, Projectile

Specifies the Animation to play as a trailer behind this aircraft or projectile object. For attaching trailers to other animation types, see TrailerAnim.

See also


  • Animations that are specified in Trailer if uses the SpawnsParticle tag The particle type you specify will produce the following results:

-BehavesLike=Spark Particles fall downward due to gravity.
-BehavesLike=Smoke,BehavesLike=Fire particles will rise to the northwest (NW)
-BehavesLike=Railgun Particles will rise to the northwest (NW) and southwest (SW).

Cc documentinfo.png Automatic List Inclusion

Animations used as values for this flag are automatically listed under the internal [Animations] array. However no harm can be done by listing them manually.