Contributing to Ares

Contributing to Ares is relatively simple, if you know at least the basics of C++:
What you'll need
- A knowledge of C++
- Yes, you'll need this.
- A C++ compiler/IDE
- Right now, Microsoft Visual Studio and Dev-C++/WxDev-C++ (gcc-based) are is supported.
- A Subversion (SVN) client
- TortoiseSVN is recommended.
Getting the code
The code consists of two parts:
- yrpp
- the wrapper library enabling the use of most ingame functionality through plain C++
- Ares itself
- the code for Ares itself, the functionality that is actually utilised
Each of them has its own SVN repository:
- Create a folder on your hard drive where you'll be keeping the code, for example, C:\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\Ares or f:/source/ares, whatever suits you.
- Create two subfolders in it, one for yrpp and one for Ares.
- yrpp
- Right click yrpp's folder, and select SVN Checkout... from the context menu.
- Enter svn:// as the Repository address.
- Leave the other options as they are, and press OK.
- Right click yrpp's folder, and select SVN Checkout... from the context menu.
- Ares
- Right click Ares's folder, and select SVN Checkout... from the context menu.
- Enter svn:// as the Repository address.
- Leave the other options as they are, and press OK.
- Right click Ares's folder, and select SVN Checkout... from the context menu.

The SVN Update context menu option will update your local copy.
Code Layout
The files in the yrpp folder are parts of the wrapper library. The Ares code is in the Ares folder. There are other repositories for other DLLs using yrpp - ExceptChecker contains the code for the current ExceptChecker DLL. The yrpp/Examples folder contains some examples of using the more complex functionality in yrpp.
Assuming you're familiar with C++, you should create a new .cpp file in the Ares folder.
Also, take the time to at least gloss over the existing code, including the wrapper library - knowing what is possible already and how is always good.
Writing A Function
All functionality in Ares is implemented as callback functions - when the game hits a certain location in the original code, some Ares function is invoked. To make your function invokable at a certain point, you'll need to assign your function as one of the predefined callbacks or use the Syringe Injection Control File to define that.
Any serious modification will normally require more than one callback, for now multiple callbacks cannot be registered at one location.
Currently, callback functions are usually declared like this:
//hook at 0xDEADBEEF EXPORT_FUNC(Functionality_FunctionName) { // actual code }
What the actual code does is naturally up to you, but usually you'll need to pull a pointer to one of the game classes from one of the CPU registers. This sort of information is very location-/context-specific, and as such you'll need information from the people familiar with the reverse-engineered ASM view of the code (as it is now, pd, jonwil, VK, DCoder and TSHyper). What the actual game classes do is documented in the wrapper library, look at its header files and the existing code snippets.
An Example
Here's a sample callback. It fixes a comparatively simple bug - that units firing Template:TTL warheads get experience from erasing friendly units (bug report, Actual code as used in Ares (may differ from shown below)).
Bits marked with (ASM knowledge) you are not required to know, the asm hackers can explain that part.
// keep this part in #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #endif #ifndef _CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS #define _CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS #endif // YR++ library #include <YRPP.h> // the actual function //hook at 0x71A92A EXPORT_FUNC(_Temporal_AvoidFriendlies) { // (ASM knowledge) the ESI register contains a pointer to an instance of TemporalClass, let's get it TemporalClass *m = (TemporalClass *)R->GetESI(); // House that owns the unit firing this weapon HouseClass *hv = m->get_TargetUnit()->get_Owner(); // House that owns the unit being erased HouseClass *ho = m->get_OwningUnit()->get_Owner(); // if the two houses are allied with each other, // (ASM knowledge) force the game to jump over the experience-granting code if(ho->IsAlliedWith(hv)) { return 0x71A97D; } // (ASM knowledge) else there's nothing to fix return 0; }
Compiling that code to a DLL and placing it in the game directory will give you this functionality...
... almost, there's one more step to do.
Registering the DLL/function with Syringe
To tell Syringe when to invoke the "_Temporal_AvoidFriendlies" function, you just need to create one extra file:
Let's say you called the DLL with that function temporal.dll. Now you need to create a plain text file called temporal.dll.inj in the same directory as the DLL is, and place the following line into it:
71A92A = _Temporal_AvoidFriendlies, 5
That's all. Now, running YR via Syringe will invoke that functionality and prevent the units from gaining experience this way.