Making a Self-Mutating Infantry
This is a tutorial for making an infantry that can "deploy" into a brute. It involves the use of gas particles to mutate the deploying infantry. This tutorial was made by me (Professor_Tesla), but the credit for the gas particle code goes to rc22fires (his name on DGNF, dunno his name elsewhere).
The Infantry code
Follow the standard procedure for adding a new infantry unit, and then add these tags to it if they are not already present:
[INFUNIT] Secondary=DeployM ;The infantry's "self-mutation" weapon Deployer=yes DeployFire=yes
The Self-Mutation Weapon
This is the weapon the Infantry uses to mutate himself, but since this is not done directly, but by gas particles, you will have to make a weapon with minimal damage and a fast rate of fire:
[DeployM] Damage=1 Range=1 ROF=10 Speed=100 Projectile=Invisible Warhead=DeployMWH ;The warhead that creates the gas particle AreaFire=yes FireOnce=no
The gas creating warhead
The warhead for the Infantry unit's weapon needs to create a gas particle, so create a warhead with these tags:
[DeployMWH] CellSpread=.0000001 ;This is low so the weapon does not affect nearby infantry units Verses=100%,100%,100%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0% Particle=MutateSys ;The mutation gas particle system
The mutation gas
Create a gas particle system with the following tags and values:
[MutateSys] Spawns=yes Slowdown=.0025 HoldsWhat=MutateP ;The name of the gas particle BehavesLike=Gas ParticleCap=60 SpawnCutoff=15.0 SpawnFrames=5 SpawnRadius=10
Then create a gas particle with the following tags and values:
[MutateP] MaxDC=1 MaxEC=2 Damage=50 Warhead=PMutation ;The mutation warhead EndStateAI=20 Persistent=yes StartFrame=0 WindEffect=0 BehavesLike=Gas DeleteOnStateLimit=yes StateAIAdvance=4
The Mutation warhead
Finally, create a warhead with Infantry death type 9 (mutation):
[PMutation] CellSpread=.0000001 ;This also is low for the reasons described above Verses=100%,100%,100%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0% InfDeath=9
Alternate method
This is an alternative method for making a self mutating infantry. It makes use of tags that (believe it or not) I was previously unaware of, and reveals the above tutorial to be somewhat of a Rube-Goldberg way of doing it.
The Self Mutating Infantry:
Repeat steps 1 and 2 of the above tutorial, but modify the infantry as follows:
[INFUNIT] Secondary=SelfMutate ;The infantry's "self-mutation" weapon Deployer=yes DeployFire=yes DamageSelf=yes ;This is needed so the Infantry unit damages himself.
and modify the weapon like so:
[SelfMutate] Damage=1000 Range=1 ROF=10 Speed=100 Projectile=Invisible Warhead=SelfMutateWH ;The warhead that mutates the infantry unit AreaFire=yes FireOnce=no AffectsAllies=true
Then create a warhead with these tags and values:
[SelfMutateWH] CellSpread=1 Verses=100%,100%,100%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0% InfDeath=9
Occasionally (I have seen it twice), if two Self-Mutating Infantry units are standing in the same cell and they deploy simultaneously, one of them will use the animation palette for the mutation animation, and a neutral brute will be spawned instead of a player-owned one. This can happen with either of the above methods.