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Category:INI Flags
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The pages listed in this category are the direct entries to INI-flags with that name. Sometimes they also include additional information about the surrounding logic or tutorials.
This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.
Pages in category "INI Flags"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,724 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- AA
- AACombat
- AALimit
- AARate
- AARatio
- Abductor
- Abductor.AbductBelowPercent
- Abductor.Anim
- Abductor.ChangeOwner
- Accelerates
- Acceleration
- AccelerationDuration
- AccelerationFactor
- AccelerationProbability
- Accessibility
- Action
- ActivateSound
- ActiveAnim
- ActiveAnimDamaged
- ActiveAnimFour
- ActiveAnimFourDamaged
- ActiveAnimFourPowered
- ActiveAnimFourPoweredEffect
- ActiveAnimFourPoweredLight
- ActiveAnimFourX
- ActiveAnimFourY
- ActiveAnimFourYSort
- ActiveAnimFourZAdjust
- ActiveAnimGarrisoned
- ActiveAnimPowered
- ActiveAnimPoweredEffect
- ActiveAnimPoweredLight
- ActiveAnimPoweredSpecial
- ActiveAnimThree
- ActiveAnimThreeDamaged
- ActiveAnimThreePowered
- ActiveAnimThreePoweredEffect
- ActiveAnimThreePoweredLight
- ActiveAnimThreeX
- ActiveAnimThreeY
- ActiveAnimThreeYSort
- ActiveAnimThreeZAdjust
- ActiveAnimTwo
- ActiveAnimTwoDamaged
- ActiveAnimTwoPowered
- ActiveAnimTwoPoweredEffect
- ActiveAnimTwoPoweredLight
- ActiveAnimTwoX
- ActiveAnimTwoY
- ActiveAnimTwoYSort
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust
- ActiveAnimX
- ActiveAnimY
- ActiveAnimYSort
- ActiveAnimZAdjust
- ActsLike
- AddPlanningModeCommandSound
- Adjacent
- AffectsAllies
- AffectsEnemies
- AffectsOwner
- AG
- Agent
- Aggressive
- AI.BaseDefenseCounts
- AI.BaseDefenses
- AI.PowerPlants
- AIAlternateProductionCreditCutoff
- AIAutoDeployFrameDelay
- AIBasePlanningSide
- AIBaseSpacing
- AIBuildCounts
- AIBuildsWalls
- AIBuildThis
- AICaptureLowMoney
- AICaptureLowMoneyMark
- AICaptureLowPower
- AICaptureNormal
- AICaptureWounded
- AICaptureWoundedMark
- AIDefendAgainst
- AIDifficulty
- AIExtraCounts
- AIExtraRefineries
- AIForcePredictionFudge
- AIGenerals
- AIHateDelays
- AIIonCannonAPCValue
- AIIonCannonBaseDefenseValue
- AIIonCannonConYardValue
- AIIonCannonEngineerValue
- AIIonCannonHarvesterValue
- AIIonCannonHelipadValue
- AIIonCannonMCVValue
- AIIonCannonPlugValue
- AIIonCannonPowerValue
- AIIonCannonTechCenterValue
- AIIonCannonTempleValue
- AIIonCannonThiefValue
- AIIonCannonWarFactoryValue
- AIMinorSuperReadyPercent
- AINavalYardAdjacency
- AIPickWallDefensePercent
- AIPlayers
- AIRandomSelectionWeight
- Airburst
- AirburstSpread
- AirburstWeapon
- AircraftCostBonus
- AircraftFogReveal
- AirDeathFallingSounds
- AirDeathFinishSounds
- AirDeathStartSounds
- AIRestrictReplaceTime
- AirportBound
- AirRangeBonus
- Airspeed
- Airstrike
- AirstrikeAbortSound
- AirstrikeAttackVoice
- AirstrikeRechargeTime
- AirstrikeTeam
- AirstrikeTeamType
- AirstripLimit
- AirstripRatio
- AISafeDistance
- AISlaveMinerNumber
- AISuperDefenseDistance
- AISuperDefenseFrames
- AISuperDefenseProbability
- AITargetingType
- AITriggerFailureWeightDelta
- AITriggerSuccessWeightDelta
- AITriggerTrackRecordCoefficient
- AIUseTurbineUpgradeProbability
- AIVirtualPurifiers
- Allied
- AlliedBaseDefenseCounts
- AlliedBaseDefenses
- AlliedCrew
- AlliedDisguise
- AlliedSolidTransparency
- AlliedSurvivorDivisor
- AlliedWallTransparency
- Allies
- AlliesAllowed
- AllowableUnitMaximums
- AllowableUnits
- AllowBurrowing
- AllowBypassBuildLimit
- AllowedToStartInMultiplayer
- AllowFind
- AllowHiResModes
- AllowModeToggle
- AllowPage
- AllowParallelAIQueues
- AllowShroudedSubteranneanMoves
- AllowTiberium
- AllowToPlace
- AllowVRAMSidebar
- AllToCheer
- AllyChangeAllowed
- AllyParaDropInf
- AllyParaDropNum
- AllyReveal
- AlphaImage
- AltCameo
- AlternateArcticArt
- AlternateFLHX
- AlternateFlightLevel
- AlternateSpeed
- AltHomeCell
- AltImage
- AltNextScenario
- AltPalette
- Ambient
- AmbientChangeRate
- AmbientChangeStep
- AmbientDamage
- AmbientSound
- AmerParaDropInf
- AmerParaDropNum
- Ammo
- AmmoCrateDamage
- Amphibious
- Anim
- AnimActive
- AnimationProbability
- AnimationRate
- AnimAux1
- AnimAux2
- AnimHigh
- AnimIdle
- AnimList
- AnimLow
- AnimPalette
- AnimRate
- AnimToInfantry