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Aggressive entry in TeamTypes pertains to initiating an attack when a threat posing enemy comes in range. Suicide entry in TeamTypes pertains to response to an attack. These can be set to yes/no. Depending on the current script action being executed and the combination of these two entries, the behavior differs. For some script actions, these two flags don't have any relevance. Variation are seen in the script actions where movement is involved. Typically, attack script actions are not affected by Aggressive entry and does not initiate attack while on the move to its target when the threat posing enemy comes in range. In move script actions, Aggressive=yes favors attacking when the threat posing enemy comes in range which results in the team loosing its current script action and when the team resumes it executes the next script action in its script. Suicide=yes tries to suppress the retaliation when attacked in favor of completing the current script action.

Movement related script action cases:

Attack script actions (0,n), Attack waypoint (1,n), Attack enemy structure (46,StructureNumber) and Attack structure at waypoint (59,n) - On Aggressive=yes/no, won't initiate attack when enemy comes in range and continues its script action. If Suicide=no, it will respond to attack and continue the script action. If Suicide=yes, it will not respond to attack and continue the script action.

Move to waypoint (3,n), Move to enemy structure (47,StructureNumber) and Gather at enemy base (53,0) - On Aggressive=yes with Suicide=no, attacks the enemy but looses its current script action. After the attack is over, the units will execute the next script action in its script. On Aggressive=yes with Suicide=yes or Aggressive=no with Suicide=yes/no, does not initiate attack when enemy comes in range, does not respond to attack and continues with its script action.

Patrol to waypoint (16,n) - On Aggressive=yes with Suicide=no, attacks the enemy but looses its current script action. While retaliating, if enemy goes out of range, it is able to continue its current script action otherwise its retaliation becomes attack and it looses its current script action. After the attack is over, the units will execute the next script action in its script. On Aggressive=yes/no with Suicide=yes, initiates attack on the enemy that comes in range and continue the script action but does not retaliate. On Aggressive=no with Suicide=no, the team will attack the enemy and also continue to move towards the given waypoint. When attacked, it comes back for retaliation but if in range it will attack and continue its script action otherwise it will ignore and continue to move towards its waypoint.