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The "Factory" tag
Flag: | Factory |
File(s): | rules(md).ini |
Values: | special strings |
Special Values: | none |
Default: | <none> |
Applicable to: | BuildingTypes |
This tag determines what type of object this BuildingType produces.
Although it accepts any string from the list below (Internal meaning), only five of them will actually work after going through a filtering routine, these being:
- AircraftType
- BuildingType
- InfantryType
- UnitType (for vehicles)
It is sometimes spoken of the strings VesselType as well as CloningType.
However, they neither work in TS/FS nor do they in RA2/YR.
Internal meaning
Internally, the "Factory" is used to determine what something is.
If - for instance - a pointer to a TechnoType (by origin) is given over to a function, the function could get the TechnoType's "Factory" and determine whether it's a Building or an Infantry, Unit or Aircraft.
This works using an ID number for every Factory.
The available "factories" are the following:
ID number INI string Comment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0x00 <none> //used for parent types such as the TechnoType or Foot 0x01 Unit 0x02 Aircraft 0x03 AircraftType 0x04 Animation 0x05 AnimationType 0x06 Building 0x07 BuildingType 0x08 Bullet 0x09 BulletType 0x0A Campaign 0x0B Cell 0x0C Factory 0x0D House 0x0E HouseType 0x0F Infantry 0x10 InfantryType 0x11 IsometricTile 0x12 IsometricTileType 0x13 BuildingLight 0x14 Overlay 0x15 OverlayType 0x16 Particle 0x17 ParticleType 0x18 ParticleSystem 0x19 ParticleSystemType 0x1A Script 0x1B ScriptType 0x1C Side 0x1D Smudge 0x1E SmudgeType 0x1F Special //used for cameos (SW icon types) 0x20 SuperWeaponType 0x21 TaskForce 0x22 Team 0x23 TeamType 0x24 Terrain 0x25 TerrainType 0x26 Trigger 0x27 TriggerType 0x28 UnitType 0x29 VoxelAnim 0x2A VoxelAnimType 0x2B Wave 0x2C Tag 0x2D TagType 0x2E Tiberium 0x2F TAction 0x30 TEvent 0x31 WeaponType 0x32 WarheadType 0x33 Waypoint 0x34 Abstract 0x35 Tube //unknown meaning 0x36 LightSource 0x37 EMP 0x38 Tactical //consider this the battlefield with all the objects on it 0x39 Super 0x3A AITrigger 0x3B AITriggerType 0x3C Neuron //unused? 0x3D FoggedObject //unknown meaning 0x3E AlphaShape 0x3F VeinholeMonster 0x40 NavyType //unknown meaning //RA2 only: 0x41 SpawnManager 0x42 CaptureManager 0x43 Parasite 0x44 Bomb 0x45 RadSite 0x46 Temporal //YR only: 0x47 Airstrike 0x48 SlaveManager 0x49 DiskLaser