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Tiberian Dawn The Covert Operations Red Alert Counterstrike Aftermath Tiberian Sun Firestorm HyperPatch Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Ares Generals Zero Hour Tiberium Wars Kane's Wrath
Flag: TileAttachesTo
File(s): Terrain Control INI files
Values: Unsigned integers: All non-negative whole numbers from 0 to either 32767, 2147483647 or 4294967295.
Applicable to: TileSets

Specifies the sub-tile that this tile animation regards as it's anchor point for drawing (translates to a cell on which it is to be drawn). Can check the sub-tile index in a tile using TMP file editing tools like XCC TMP Editor. Below is an example showing the sub-tile index if your tile is 7x4: