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Revision as of 07:45, 31 December 2005 by DCoder (talk | contribs) (Re: the latest edit)
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>If you do not put the Warhead in the list, it will screw up your unit (i.e. Cameo won't show up, IE when built)

Err, that is wrong. The only things that must be listed in [Warheads] are the warheads that are used by the game, but not attached to units' weapons, such as IonWH. All other warheads (those, which are attached to units' weapons) work just fine without being in the list.

However, it is advised (aka not required) to have them in the list, cause that list is also used by map triggers action #42 (Fire Warhead at waypoint).

As for your "cameo not showing up, IE when built" problem, I believe you are creating an infantry unit and failed to add the required art properly. Vehicles, aircraft and buildings work just fine and just are invisible if you mess up their art coding, while infantry with faulty art coding causes IEs when built.
Also, faulty rules coding causes errors when you start building a unit, and faulty art coding causes errors when the unit has finished building and is supposed to appear.

This post was brought to you by DCoder - founder of RedUtils - all the INI editing tools you'll ever need.