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In RA, Events were still part of the [Triggers] section, but now Triggers could have up to two Events with up to two parameters each.

The following Events were available:

Code 1 Event Parameter types
#1 (P1) #2 (P2)
0 None -1 -1
No Event - cannot be activated
1 Entered by -1 House#
House P2 enters attached building/celltag
2 Spied by -1 House#
House P2 sends a spy into attached building
3 Thieved by -1 -1
Doesn't work
4 Discovered by player -1 -1
House owning the attached object is discovered by the player
5 House Discovered -1 House#
House P2 is discovered by the player
6 Attacked by anybody -1 -1
Attached object is attacked by anybody
7 Destroyed by anybody -1 -1
Attached object is destroyed by anybody
8 Any event -1 -1
Any event
9 Destroyed, Units, All -1 House#
All units of house P2 are destroyed (does not include civilian objects)
10 Destroyed, Buildings, All -1 House#
All buildings of house P2 are destroyed (does not include civilian objects)
11 Destroyed, All -1 House#
All objects of house P2 are destroyed (does not include civilian objects)
12 Credits exceed -1 credits
HOUSE2 has at least P2 credits
13 Elapsed time -1 time
(P2/10) minutes have passed in this mission
14 Mission timer expired -1 -1
Mission timer expired
15 Destroyed, Buildings, # -1 counter
Exactly P2 buildings owned by HOUSE have been destroyed (does include civilian objects)
Code 1 Event Parameter types
#1 (P1) #2 (P2)
16 Destroyed, Units, # -1 counter
Exactly P2 units owned by HOUSE have been destroyed (does include civilian objects)
17 No factories left -1 -1
HOUSE has no factories left)
18 Civilians evacuated -1 -1
Civilian objects owned by HOUSE have left the map (See CivEvac )
19 Build building type -1 Building#
Building # P2 is placed on the map
20 Build unit type -1 Unit#
Unit whose internal index is P2 is placed on the map
21 Build infantry type -1 Infantry#
Infantry whose internal index is P2 is placed on the map
22 Build aircraft type -1 Aircraft#
Aircraft whose internal index is P2 is placed on the map
23 Leaves map (team) TeamType# -1
TeamType P1 leaves the map
24 Zone entry by -1 House#
Attached celltrigger's zone entered by house P2
25 Crosses horizontal line -1 House#
House P2 crosses the horizontal line of the attached celltag
26 Crosses vertical line -1 House#
House P2 crosses the vertical line of the attached celltag
27 Global is set -1 Global#
Global variable with index P2 is set
28 Global is clear -1 Global#
Global variable with index P2 is cleared
29 Destroyed, Fakes, All -1 -1
Doesn't work, fires immediately
30 Low power -1 House#
House P2 is in a low power situation
31 Attached bridge destroyed -1 -1
Attached bridge destroyed
32 Building exists -1 Building#
HOUSE owns a building # P2
Code 1 Event Parameter types
#1 (P1) #2 (P2)

Events took two parameters which, when unused, had to be set to -1.


All parameters are unsigned integers, meaning all objects like structures, houses, etc. are referenced by their internal indexes. Those internal indexes are listed here.

1 This column specifies the code to be written in the Trigger's E1 or E2 slot.

2 HOUSE in this document refers to the house owning the Trigger, labeled "HOUSE" in the Triggers page.

3 P1 in this document refers to the event's first parameter in the Triggers page.

4 P2 in this document refers to the event's second parameter in the Triggers page.