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Since there is no Veteran/Elite Ability to grant this bonus (the EXE doesn't list one anywhere in the proximity of other grantable abilities), how exactly is it triggered? //DCoder 14:40, 3 September 2006 (CEST)

Uhh.. isn't it triggered by "ROF"? Or am I just imagining that I tested it out in the game and that it seemed to work. Vinifera7 21:24, 3 September 2006 (CEST)
Okay.. I've done some additional testing. From my tests, it appears that after the ROF promotional bonus is applied, the new ROF is ROF * Mystery Number * VeteranROF. I haven't been able to determine exactly what Mystery Number is, but it appears to be close to 0.3. However it is quite possible that it is more complicated than this. I don't think I'll be able to determine exactly what the formula is with only in-game rules testing. Vinifera7 02:33, 4 September 2006 (CEST)
Scratch that. Actually I'm just a MORON. During my tests I forgot to change ElitePrimary to the same weapon as Primary. After testing PROPERLY, VeteranROF seems to be applied as a straight multiplier to ROF. However, it appears that there are slight deviations, possibly caused by rounding error (or other crap, who knows). These deviations are very minute though, so it is virtually correct that VeteranROF is a straight multiplier. Vinifera7 03:33, 4 September 2006 (CEST)