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oh VK
Line 100: Line 100:
|0x14||HRESULTLoad||IStream* stream<br>AbstractClass* dst||Load data from a stream (used for loading savegames)
|0x14||HRESULT||Load||IStream* stream<br>AbstractClass* dst||Load data from a stream (used for loading savegames)
|0x18||HRESULT||Save||IStream* stream<br>AbstractClass* src<br>(3rd is unknown)||Save data to a stream (used for saving games)
|0x18||HRESULT||Save||IStream* stream<br>AbstractClass* src<br>(3rd is unknown)||Save data to a stream (used for saving games)

Revision as of 19:38, 13 June 2007

Testing page

This is a sandbox - a page for testing stuff.

Pretty URL test

Testing testing, if this goes through, the Pretty URLs are functional.

This post was brought to you by DCoder - founder of RedUtils - all the INI editing tools you'll ever need.

Layout suggestions for YR exe info

Example: EMPulseClass (insert EMPulseClass description here)


AbstractClass → EMPulseClass

Class specifications

Property Value
VT address (YR 1.001) 0x7E87A8
Size of members data (YR 1.001) 0x34 bytes
AbstractClass derivative: Note: these rows would only be added for AbstractClass derivatives
ClassID 0x37

Member variables

Offset Type Name Description
0x0 Pointer VirtualTable Pointer to the class' virtual table
0x4 Pointer IRTTITypeInfo VTable Pointer to an extended virtual table (not sure what exactly it does)
0x8 Pointer INoticeSink VTable Pointer to an extended virtual table (not sure what exactly it does)
0xC Pointer INoticeSource VTable Pointer to an extended virtual table (not sure what exactly it does)
0x10 DWORD unknown
0x14 DWORD DerivationFlags Bit 0: set if Techno
Bit 1: set if Object
Bit 2: set if Foot
0x18 DWORD unknown
0x1C DWORD unknown
0x20 BYTE unknown
0x21 BYTE unused
0x22 WORD unused
0x24 WORD OriginCell_X X coordinate of the origin cell of the EMP
0x26 WORD OriginCell_Y Y coordinate of the origin cell of the EMP
0x28 DWORD Spread Cell spreading radius of the EMP effect
0x2C DWORD CreationTime Time point at which this EMPulse instance has been created
0x30 DWORD Duration Time the EMP effect lasts

Virtual Table

Offset Return Type Arguments Name Description
0x0 HRESULT QueryInterface unknown
0x4 HRESULT AddRef
0x8 UINT Release unknown
0xC HRESULT GetClassID unknown
0x10 BOOL IsDirty unknown
0x14 HRESULT Load IStream* stream
AbstractClass* dst
Load data from a stream (used for loading savegames)
0x18 HRESULT Save IStream* stream
AbstractClass* src
(3rd is unknown)
Save data to a stream (used for saving games)
0x1C HRESULT GetSizeMax unknown
0x20 None (DTOR) ~EMPulseClass none Free memory and remove from global arrays.
0x24 unknown unknown unknown
0x28 unknown unknown unknown
0x2C int32 Fetch_ID none Get the AbstractClass derivation ID of this class.
Used to find out "what something is".
0x30 int32 GetDataSize none Get the size of the member data.
0x34 ULONG Create_ID unknown Calculate a CRC of object
0x38 unknown unknown unknown
0x3C unknown unknown unknown
0x40 int32 GetArrayIndex none Get the index of this class instance in the global array.
This will return 0 for abstract classes.
0x44 bool IsDead none Find out whether this instance is dead.
This is only used for "living" objects with a health.
0x48 void Get3DCoords int32* dst_xyz Load 3D coordinates into dst_xyz.
0x4C void Get3DCoords_var int32* dst_xyz Load 3D coordinates into variables, then into dst_xyz.
This method is obsolete (use 0x48).
0x50 unknown unknown unknown
0x54 unknown unknown unknown
0x58 unknown unknown unknown
0x5C void AdvanceFrame none This is an updating routine, called every frame.