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This page serves as what i percieve to be what the community would like in 1.09.
This page serves as what i perceive to be what the community would like in 1.09.

1. a Mutator Clone.
# a Mutator Clone.
2. Completed 4th side logic.
# Completed 4th side logic.
3. More Player Colours in Skirmish/MP menu.
# More Player Colours in Skirmish/MP menu.
4. Breaking Unit Quantity Limits.
# Breaking Unit Quantity Limits.
5. New Prerequisite System.
# New Prerequisite System.
6. Sensors on buildings
# Sensors on buildings

1. All attempts to create mutation clones using other superweapon logics has resulted in neutral mutations, due to the fact that the actual superweapon is unowned. as a result, I and atleast 1 other would like a clone of the Genetic Mutator Superweapon (as you did say you will try to clone 1 superweapon per version)
1. All attempts to create mutation clones using other superweapon logics has resulted in neutral mutations, due to the fact that the actual superweapon is unowned. as a result, I and atleast 1 other would like a clone of the Genetic Mutator Superweapon (as you did say you will try to clone 1 superweapon per version)

Revision as of 16:32, 5 August 2006

This page serves as what i perceive to be what the community would like in 1.09.

  1. a Mutator Clone.
  2. Completed 4th side logic.
  3. More Player Colours in Skirmish/MP menu.
  4. Breaking Unit Quantity Limits.
  5. New Prerequisite System.
  6. Sensors on buildings

1. All attempts to create mutation clones using other superweapon logics has resulted in neutral mutations, due to the fact that the actual superweapon is unowned. as a result, I and atleast 1 other would like a clone of the Genetic Mutator Superweapon (as you did say you will try to clone 1 superweapon per version)

2. your efforts to add an extra side to the game have made some progress, however, there are a lot of things still missing. there is a checklist on the Status page showing what has and hasn't been cloned, and i beleave there is also links to the doccuments i wrote back when you first started the process. features i would very much like in 1.09 are diguise, paradrop, and EVA, although there are a lot more things to be done for it.

3. something PD did a while ago was to allow costomisable colours to be displayed on the skirmish menu using new [MenuColors] section. how about a new [ColorsInMenu] section where these point to the colours, in order, that apear on the menu, replacing the existing ones and adding more. [MenuColors] will need to be the same length.

4. Currently CnCVK has increased the number of units you can build with a sane AI from 102 to 200. i sugest increasing this limit to 250. also, you can only have 74 units per tab, and more and it will lock up the game. i sugest increasing this limit as high as it can easily go, AKA 255(byte limit). Important Post on the subject

5. This includes NegativePrerequisite= where anything on this tag that exists causes the object containing this tag to be unbuildable. AlternatePrerequisite#= basicly a few of these lines that list alternate Prerequisite= lines, if any of these lines including the original Prerequisite= gets all its objects listed owned by the player, then this object will become buildable. PrerequisiteMisc##=, 100 clones of PrerequisitePower= to allow several buildings to be placed on here, allowing a "any building on this list" condition, such as the already existing "Any Power Plant" "Any Ore Refinery" "Any Tech Centre" and so on conditions. however, a slightly easier way to use this system would be a list as sugested in the second half of This Post

6. currently, there is no way at all to add sensors to a building, unless you use the veteral abilities system, which relies on the building getting promoted. PD added the Cloakable=yes tag to buildings. he also said it should be easy to add Sensors too. I mention something about it in This post