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I suggest adding of Clazzy, Sleipnir and Tratos to 'good' list and MaperRiz on shitlist for faking leukemia.
I suggest adding of Clazzy, Sleipnir and Tratos to 'good' list and MaperRiz on shitlist for faking leukemia. Oh, and don't forget to add Sevelys to the top of the 'good' list.


Revision as of 10:38, 9 August 2005

About locking

Locking shall be our last resort. If we lock this page, he, at least partly, won. It takes but one click to revert his crap edits, and every edit illustrates more how right we are to put him on this list.

In addition, he's playing with fire anyway. If he keeps fucking around with ModEnc, I see no reason not to do the same to his site. And I'm better at it.

If you can't be arsed to reverse again and again, just leave it changed. I'll come by and revert.

Renegade 05:49, 11 May 2005 (CDT)

I suggest adding of Clazzy, Sleipnir and Tratos to 'good' list and MaperRiz on shitlist for faking leukemia. Oh, and don't forget to add Sevelys to the top of the 'good' list.


Alright, I added the good guys you suggested. As for MaperRiz, I'll have to discuss it with Ren first. BTW, Rattus, you could've edited the page and added them yourself ;)

Related links, so I don't lose them:

DCoder 23:42, 25 May 2005 (CDT)

AG - Well according to Apollo, leader of Robot Storm MaperRiz "despite his lies he isnt person to be avoided in that sense, you could judge him questionable but no more than that. "


Original post (unedited in any way, shape or form)

  1. Sevelys - Do you already know him?
  2. /*DCoder - Likes to set good people with nice mods (aka Sevelys) on this list. He absolutely needs to look what the word N00b means. Do you already have seen l33tspreak or SMS language from Sevelys? Don't have you seen how Sevelys is asking to learn things. I don't think.After Yuri's Revenge comes Sevelys' Revenge!!! *thinks: "finally something good!"(everything between the slashes has been written by "Sevelys")/


Sevelys - Do you already know him?

Of course. Everybody knows the great Sevelys.

/*DCoder - Likes to set good people with nice mods (aka Sevelys) on this list. He absolutely needs to look what the word N00b means. Do you already have seen l33tspreak or SMS language from Sevelys? Don't have you seen how Sevelys is asking to learn things. I don't think. After Yuri's Revenge comes Sevelys' Revenge!!! *thinks: "finally something good!" (everything between the slashes has been written by "Sevelys")/

Yo, wanna buy a bridge? (In other words, get off your high horse and get a clue, dude.)

The mod's goodness should be determined by its fans, not the creator. Look at respected people, like The Dvd / CannisRabidus, their mods are very popular yet they never went around gloating about it like you do, neither before nor after they released their mods. In my book that's enough to tag you as a n00b.
Not to mention the exe-hacking shit. The only ones who succeeded in that were pd and Jonwil, and again, neither of them went around boasting OMFG LOOK @ ME IM GOING TO HACK DA EXE!!!, like you do. (One more thing, you will find exe hacking much harder than you imagine it to be, I can promise you that.)

Have you any idea what this

:00644581 68886F8300              push 00836F88
:00644586 57                      push edi
:00644587 8D4C2418                lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+18]
:0064458B 51                      push ecx
:0064458C 8BCB                    mov ecx, ebx
:0064458E E8BD05E3FF              call 00474B50
:00644593 668B10                  mov dx, word ptr [eax]
:00644596 8B8E00030000            mov ecx, dword ptr [esi+00000300]
:0064459C 66899608030000          mov word ptr [esi+00000308], dx
:006445A3 51                      push ecx
:006445A4 8A4002                  mov al, byte ptr [eax+02]

does? No? Thought so.

By the way, for future reference, I am a moderator here. You are not. You are not supposed to mess with the list except for adding yourself/others, editing other people's entries isn't allowed. And the 'Show Preview' button is there for a reason.

This post was brought to you by DCoder , the biggest gay on the planet. What am i saying? The biggest gay of the whole universe!!!!- founder of RedUtils - all the INI editing tools you'll ever need.

But remember: TibEd and SunEdit2k are much better! (split from last paragraph, no identification provided)


IP resolving says both the guy who wrote the TibEd/SE2K comment and the guy who messed around with this page's Sevelys' entry recently belong to the same ISP. Considering the very similar writing style, it's 99% chance they're both the same guy, which, based on what he did to the Sevelys' entry, is Sevelys himself. Don't pay any attention to that idiot, he'll get bored eventually, and, if need be, I can block his IP range. -- DCoder

With IP changer V 2.0, from Sevelia Ulities Production (SUP), is it, with some extra hardware, possible to change your IP in no time. - The Sevelian Himself.