ModEnc is currently in Maintenance Mode: Changes could occur at any given moment, without advance warning.
If making single-player maps for Yuri's Revenge, double-check NumberStartingLocations is 0
Memory corruption will result in crashes with EIP 00529A14. What exactly causes the memory corruption has not been researched and a real, proper fix was found once but has since been forgotten.
Here's an example of what flags go into the header (ripped from an 8 player skirmish map)
[Header] Width=144 Height=192 StartX=184 StartY=81 Waypoint1=200,253 Waypoint2=300,257 Waypoint3=260,148 Waypoint4=288,107 Waypoint5=249,104 Waypoint6=246,198 Waypoint7=209,142 Waypoint8=197,89 NumberStartingPoints=8
For comparison, a single-player mission's header (YR Allied 05):
[Header] Width=59 Height=109 StartX=226 StartY=41 Waypoint1=233,98 Waypoint2=251,105 Waypoint3=257,137 Waypoint4=260,134 Waypoint5=270,102 Waypoint6=277,97 Waypoint7=280,105 Waypoint8=266,109 NumberStartingPoints=8 NumCoopHumanStartSpots=4