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Tiberian Dawn The Covert Operations Red Alert Counterstrike Aftermath Tiberian Sun Firestorm HyperPatch Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Ares Generals Zero Hour Tiberium Wars Kane's Wrath
Flag: Priority
File(s): eva(md).ini, sound(md).ini
Values: LOWEST, LOW, NORMAL, HIGH, IMPORTANT, CRITICAL (RA2/YR) and 15, 50, 75, 100 (TS/FS)
Special Values: None
Default: NORMAL
Applicable to: EVA sound sections, game sound sections

Priority= is used in eva(md).ini and sound(md).ini to set how important a sound overlay is compared to other currently playing sounds, in order to decide when/how to play it. The available values are a ranking, from lowest importance to highest, with higher priorities overruling the lower ones (obviously).


  1. LOW


  2. LOW
  4. HIGH

The default value in sound(md).ini is NORMAL, and although not explicitly stated in it, it is highly probable that eva(md).ini's default is the same (see note on STANDARD below).

Note that, while they are written in all-caps in the comments, the actual values in sound(md) vary in their capitalization. In eva(md), they're allways all-caps. In addition, there sometimes is a blank space between the Priority= flag and the actual value (e.g. Priority= normal) - whether this makes a difference to the non-spaced version is unknown.

Important: DeeZire's INI Guide lists the follow flags for Priority in eva(md): IMPORTANT, QUEUED_INTERRUPT, STANDARD, QUEUE or CRITICAL. Neither QUEUE, nor QUEUED_INTERRUPT, nor STANDARD can be found in the actual eva(md), and it is probable that these values were fetched directly from the exe, which suggests they are parsed. That does not change the fact that the INI uses NORMAL again and again and again, while never mentioning STANDARD. Although this doesn't make it wrong, it means that you're on the safer side by using NORMAL, especially considering that sound(md) uses it as well – that's two files using NORMAL vs. no mention of STANDARD. However, if STANDARD is parsed, it is entirely possible that this is the standard value in eva(md), rather than NORMAL. Whether it's priority is equal to NORMAL is unknown.

On a closer look, it is undeniable that three of four used values in eva(md) are also used in sound(md); given that both files use the same flag, and both files are dealing with sound overlay, one cannot deny the chance that it's the same function for both files. This would suggest that the values are interchangeable, meaning that IMPORTANT is also valid in sound(md), while LOWEST and HIGH can also be used in eva(md). This is, however, purely theoretical and has not been tested.

In Tiberian Sun

In TibSun and Firestorm, the usage of Priority is the same, with the exceptions that

  1. TS/FS does not have an eva.ini, and
  2. The priorities are measured by an integer value, with 100 being the highest used in the INI and the other used values being 15, 50 and 75. (It's highly possible that the values are not limited to these, but information about this is not stated in the file.)