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Legacy RockPatch Wishlist/Page 2

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Revision as of 06:14, 13 March 2006 by Renegade (talk | contribs)
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This is legacy information, included here for historical purposes.

Please use the main Wishlist Talkpage for comments, not this page's.


  • True Air-to-Air combat
  • More "special" mouse-cursors, like C4 or the SW-cursors (if possible, this should be implemented via tags, pointing to exact mouse.shp frames to use, like [Weapon]AttackCursor=start_frame,end_frame; [Unit]Move/Deploy/EnterCursor= )
  • More IFV-modes (and more IFVs, as the turret-changing code is now locked to the FV unit)
  • Another IFV turret flag. At the moment we can have 18 IFV Modes but only the first 17 of those modes can have a turret.
  • An adjustment of several AI shortcomings (such as inability to "attack enemy vehicle called ' XXXX ' ")
  • Allowing "PoweredUnit/PowersUpBuilding" to have a set of values, not just one
  • Allowing paradrops to consist of units as well as infantry
  • Allow buildings to cloak without being a CloakGenerator or a veteran/elite building.
  • Add new colors to the Skirmish menu color lists [pd]
  • Add more colours to the sides colours list and allow more to be usable in multiplayer mode, if possible showing the correct colour.
  • Improve random map generator so it uses more tilesets (desert, lunar) and places more civilian stuff. Also an INI file to allow custom terrains mods to customize the random map generator [pd] [djbreit]
  • Allow Crewed= to work with non infantry types.
  • Air units with turrets
  • Temporal particles?
  • Another promotion level
  • Cloaking aircraft (possible by adding CLOAK on Veteran,Elite Abilities=)
  • Infantry to vehicle repair(also Infantry to building and so on)
  • Allowing carryalls to pick up enemy vehicles, acting possibly in the same way as the 'advanced carryall' in Emperor: Battle for dune (Lands on enemy vehicle and has a delay before being able to move the unit). Preferably added using a seperate tag to allow use of the original carryall funtions.
  • Enabling Spysat= or any building fuctions for Upgrade system in buildings
  • Making a new type of Ore.
  • Enable VehicleTypes to deploy into VehicleTypes in addition to default BuildingTypes. Or enable deploying vehicles (such as Seige Chopper) to adopt traits other than just the "Image=" from the rulesmd entry for the UnloadingClass "dummy" object.
  • Infantrys that can be powered
  • Modify Spawn Logic to allow for the spawning of VehicleTypes not just AircraftTypes.
  • Increased flexibility of slave logic: expanded range of units can have slaves (eg. ambulance with medics etc.) - Also SlaveBehaviour= tag which uses SlaveMiner or such when omitted for compatibility
  • Increased flexibility in powered logic: control centre handles more than just robot tanks.
  • Get the Ammo system to work with infantry and buildings. Presently, it only works with vehicles and aircraft.
  • Create copy of Spy Plane which would be able to use assault weapon (ex. for Airstrike)
  • MigAttackCursor=yes works only for buildings, would be good to work with other units types as well.
  • more ressource types (e.g. Iron, Gold/Diamants and Oil)
  • Enable the optional use of a seperate pallete for the radar in the GUI, as would be prefered for new GUIs.
  • Program more Foundation sizes for buildings, including non-rectangle shapes.
  • Making it so the trains can go in revers and couple & uncouple
  • UnDeploy cursor on deployed objects
  • NeedsDriver= to make a vehicle only usable if an infantry unit is sent in it
  • NegativePrerequisite= that could be set for objects too, disables building/training of the caller if the object on the list exists (allowing for choice of tech trees, one type of hero etc.
  • Allow Prerequisite=, PrerequisiteOverride=, Prerequisite groups and any new Prerequisite tags (e.g. NegativePrerequisite=) to allow VehicleTypes, InfantryTypes and AircraftTypes. (PrerequisiteProcAlternate= is the only one that presently accepts VehicleTypes.)
  • PrerequisiteAlternate1=, PrerequisiteAlternate2= that allow an alternative prerequisite option. Example: Prerequisite=GAWEAP,GATECH ++ PrerequisiteAlternate1=NAWEAP,NATECH would mean that with both an Allied or Soviet War Factory and Battle Lab you could build the object in question (but not Yuri).
  • Un-hardcode the dock location on refinarys to allow smaller refinarys and refinarys with multiple dock locations.
  • If a unit collects a crate type that it is not allowed to (e.g. untrainable unit collects a promotion crate) then you get a money crate - BUT there are two types of money crate - the money crate that is defined in Powerups that you can modify is not the crate type you get in the scenario descibed above. In the scenario descibed above you get a random amount of cash. What we need is a way of controlling this other money crate (so that it's random credits can be defined as between two specified values (which could both be the same to stop the amount being random). Sorry for the long description.
  • Add new veteran/elite abilities that make use of immunities. Eg: "VEIN_PROOF" gave the unit ImmuneToVeins=yes (veins immunity doesn't work anymore, btw). I would like to see all the immunities:
    • RAD_PROOF as a veteran ability that gives the unit ImmuneToRadiation=yes
    • PSI_PROOF that gives the unit ImmuneToPsionics=yes.
    • PSIW_PROOF that gives the unit ImmuneToPsionicWeapons=yes.
    • POI_PROOF that gives the unit ImmuneToPoison=yes.
    • WARP_PROOF that gives the unit Warpable=no.
    • And any new immunites that get added.
  • Make Chaos and Mind-control immunities separate. E.g.: ImmuneToPsionics= means immune to Chaos AND Mind-Control, ImmuneToMindControl= and ImmuneToChaos= are two new immunities.
  • Make units able to survive if they are in a transport of a different MovementType (e.g. tanks in amphib transports)
  • Create "ForceFire=" tag to allow the moder to choose what weapon should be fired when force firing on terrain/trees/bridges etc. moders use primary against inf only and secondary for everything else in a lot of instances, but when force firing, the primary is always used, meaning that unit could never destroy trees/bridges. force fire could be set to secondary weapon(3rd/4th ect if more are added) or a seperate weapon.
  • adding more overlays to the game
  • abillity to change taunt files
  • "Symlinks", i.e. declaring new names for existing tags
  • UseINI= in maps to use a centralized file for modmaps rather than modifying each on it's own
  • Countries can have VeteranInfantry=, VeteranUnits=. How about adding VeteranBuildings= and VeteranAircraft=, as well as any country-specific properties that don't currently apply to BuildingTypes?
  • Find hardcoded items (e.g. animations, units, buildings, infantry and such) and make them un-hardcoded (i.e. move from the exe to a reference in rules.ini somewhere)
  • make the NukeSiren to use NukeSound instead of DigSound so you don't hear the nuke siren when you use units with "Dig locomotor" (this can be done with unpacthed game by disabling the DigSound and attaching the NukeSiren directly to nuke animation, but this way it sucks) [C001DuDe]
  • A tag for warheads called damageenemy= yes/no? Why would this be useful you ask? Propoganda style, area effect discriminate healing weapons.
  • Make more building features work when added by a structure upgrade.
  • Make aircrafts do "normal landing" not just vtol (veteran take off and landing) all the time on airforce command centers. Make them land diagonally and make them seem to use landing gears by allowing them to skid a little when landing.
  • Get rid of the IE that happens when you try to cancel a building construction yard, if you make them buildable [Nighthawk200]
  • Multiple entries in Factory= tag, so that you can build both infantry and vehicles or vehicles and buildings etc. from the one building. [Nighthawk200]
  • Builings can have more than one SW
  • ^^^^For above^^^^Would require just re-enabling the code for Superweapon2 which was in TS, perhaps make Superweapon3+ etc. -Nighthawk200
  • Allowing more than just alternate Arctic art, e.g. alternate desert art, for desert camo, or (if you wanted to be really bizarre - Alternate Lunar Art) Another idea would be to let these tags be used on units as well as infantry (so you could get snow camoed tanks) -Nighthawk200
  • Allow units inside structures to target things individually so they dont all attack the same thing all at once but rather spread their fire on attacking units.
  • Note: SuperWeapon2 is still working, no need to worry about that [TurnAGamer]