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Revision as of 10:09, 3 September 2006 by Vinifera7 (talk | contribs) (defeating false assumptions one page at a time; complete rewrite. Oh yeah, this flag is Applicable to [General], forgot about that. I'll have to change it on the others as well.)
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Flag: VeteranROF
File(s): Rules(md).ini
Values: float
Special Values: N/A
Default: 1.0
Applicable to: General

This is one of the several Veteran Factors that control the bonuses given by Template:TTL and Template:TTL. VeteranROF is a straight multiplier to the Template:TTL of the Template:TTL and Template:TTL weapons of units that benefit from the ROF promotional bonus. Contrary to popular belief, these bonuses do not stack, meaning that a ROF elite bonus will not further decrease the rate of fire of a unit with a ROF veteran bonus.

Example: if the weapon's ROF is 20, then it would be decreased to 12 (assuming VeteranROF=0.6).

20 * 0.6 = 12.

Note: Since ROF is really the delay between shots, smaller numbers yield faster firing. Values of VeteranROF greater than 1.0 actually decrease the firing rate of the unit.