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User talk:Demon Red Storm
All right, this is the rules code for a mobile stealth generator in YR. It acts like the one in TSF. The only known bug is a "new rally point established" sound one when moving the generator from its deployed position. The game does not show a prism tank, although that is the image= tag. I'm sorry I didn't do much with the image and cameo, this was pretty much thrown together when I made it. It works pretty well, though. It is stealth, not gap, so please don't complain about that.
[MOGAPB] Adjacent=5 AIBuildThis=no Armor=steel BaseNormal=yes Bombable=no BuildCat=Combat BuildLimit=-5 Capturable=no ClickRepairable=no CloakGenerator=yes Cloakable=yes CloakRadiusInCells=10 Cost=2500 Crewed=no HasRadialIndicator=yes Image=GAGAP ImmuneToPsionics=yes IsBaseDefense=yes IsSimpleDeployer=no Name=Mobile Stealth Generator Owner=British,Americans,Germans,French,Alliance,Russians,Confederates,Africans,Arabs,YuriCountry Points=250 Powered=yes Power=-50 Prerequisite=GAGAP,CNST RadarInvisible=yes Repairable=yes SensorArray=yes Sight=10 Soylent=2000 Strength=1000 TechLevel=11 ThreatPosed=10 UIName=Name:MOGAPB UndeploysInto=MOGAPV Warpable=no
[MOGAPV] AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Armor=heavy Bombable=no BuildLimit=-5 Category=Support Cost=2500 Crusher=yes DeploysInto=MOGAPB Image=SREF ImmuneToPsionics=yes Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} MovementZone=Crusher Name=Mobile Stealth Generator OmniCrushResistant=yes Owner=Americans,Alliance,Germans,French,British Parasiteable=no Points=250 Prerequisite=GAGAP,FACTORY RadarInvisible=yes Self-Healing=yes Sight=10 Size=4 Soylent=2000 Speed=5 Strength=1000 StupidHunt=yes TechLevel=10 Trainable=no UIName=Name:MOGAPV Warpable=no Weight=3
-The user must still edit the string table for the name.-
- RE:Fixed the formatting so we can see the code clearly. Your code is rather badly organised - it's usually advised to follow Westwood's convention of having UIName, Name, Prerequisites, Strength and such at the top of the section, and add the more uncommon tags near the bottom. Also, CNST is not a prerequisite. It's not like FACTORY, BARRACKS, RADAR or TECH, it doesn't exist. You have to use one of the existing Conyards (see The Prerequisite System). Also, the correct tag is SelfHealing, no hyphen. If your vehicle isn't showing up as a Prism Tank in game, make sure it is listed in the VehicleTypes list.
- ~ Nighthawk 23:34, 8 October 2007 (CEST) ~