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Voxel Section Editor III

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Voxel Section Editor III
by Banshee, Koen, Plasmadroid, Stucuk, Will

Release date June 2004
Latest Version 1.39
Homepage Link

A screenshot of VXLSE III

Voxel Section Editor III (or VXLSE III for short), is based upon Will's Voxel Editor - the first voxel editor for Tiberian Sun (and later Red Alert 2). Due to loss of the source code, this editor remained unfinished.

A few months later, the VXLSE II project was born. This project was to be made open source, so that the source code would never be lost again. Will later lost interest in developing the project, but it was then continued by Plasmadroid. Koen then improved upon Plasmadroid's work. Koen's edits were then improved upon further by Stucuk.

In June 2004, the first version of VXLSE III was released by Stucuk. This was a complete rebuild of VXLSE II. It has since been modified by both Stucuk and Banshee, and is currently at version 1.38.

VXLSE allows the user to create .vxl files (3D block-based models), used to display vehicles and turrets in Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge. It features basic drawing tools, as well as the ability to apply and convert colour schemes using the PalPack system.

If you're wanting to create units for any Tiberian Sun-engine based game, VXLSE will likely be the tool you'll use.

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OS HVA Builder
OS SHP Builder
OS Voxel Viewer
Voxel Section Editor III