Jumpjet flags
This page contains a list of all JumpJet-related flags. Take note that Westwood's QA utterly failed at ensuring consistency, and that, as a result, it depends on each particular flag whether it is spelled "JumpJet" or "Jumpjet".
These are the global values under [JumpjetControls] applied to all units using the Jumpjet locomotor. Used only in Tiberian Sun.
TurnRate=3 Speed=30 Climb=5.0 CruiseHeight=400 ; cruiseheight should be higher than a bridge, just to be safe Acceleration=0.25 WobblesPerSecond=0.25 WobbleDeviation=40 CloakDetectionRadius=0![]()
Any given Unit
These can be on any given unit in Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge. Despite comments suggesting the [JumpjetControls] section is used as default, this is not the case.
Locomotor={92612C46-F71F-11d1-AC9F-006008055BB5} ;Jumpjet JumpJet=no JumpJetTurn=no ;Use proper turn logic JumpjetSpeed=14 JumpjetClimb=5.0 JumpjetCrash=5.0 ; Climb, but down JumpjetAccel=2.0 JumpjetTurnRate=4 JumpjetHeight=500 JumpjetWobbles=0.15 ; ! value of zero stop wobbles? NO! Wobbles of zero means div by 0 crash. "How many wobbles would you like?" "0" "You must have wobbles!!! I kill you!" JumpjetDeviation=40 JumpjetNoWobbles=no ; the wobbling is in the Hover sequence of the art, instead of being programmer art/ sine wave ; Really small numbers on two lines above don't actually slow down the wobbling since it is the amplitude of a sinusoidal curve TiltCrashJumpjet=no ; can handle tilting while falling without freaking out
Jumpjet Infantry
The Jumpjet system was originally created for a trooper in Tiberian Sun that would walk small distances, and fly long ones (hence the name - it was a soldier who used a jet engine to jump long distances).
YR's Rocketeer forewent that system in favor of staying in the air indefinitely.
Ease of conversion between systems depends on the direction:
- To convert the Rocketeer back to TS's system, all you really have to do is remove BalloonHover=yes and ensure HoverAttack is set to the best fit for your unit. You may want to adjust SpeedType and MovementRestrictedTo to account for the changed mobility.
- Since TS doesn't have BalloonHover, a change forward isn't quite as easy, but the TS editing community has proposed several ways.
This is the Jumpjet Infantry from TS:
[JUMPJET] Name=Jumpjet Infantry Category=Soldier JumpJet=yes Primary=JumpCannon Prerequisite=GAPILE,GARADR Crushable=no Strength=120 Fearless=yes Armor=light TechLevel=6 Sight=6 Pip=green Speed=5 Owner=GDI AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Cost=600 Points=5 VoiceSelect=15-I000,15-I004,15-I012,15-I048 VoiceMove=15-I018,15-I024,15-I044 VoiceAttack=15-I044,15-I050,15-I044,15-I046 VoiceFeedback=15-I058,15-I064 VoiceDie=DEDMAN1,DEDMAN2,DEDMAN2,DEDMAN4,DEDMAN5,DEDMAN6 Locomotor={92612C46-F71F-11d1-AC9F-006008055BB5} PhysicalSize=1 MovementZone=Fly ; This needs to be None, like aircraft ThreatPosed=15 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons EliteAbilities=RADAR_INVISIBLE
This is the Rocketeer from RA2/YR:
[JUMPJET] UIName=Name:JUMPJET Name=Rocketeer Image=ROCK Category=Soldier JumpJet=yes Primary=20mm Prerequisite=GAPILE,RADAR Crushable=yes Strength=125 Fearless=yes ;OpportunityFire=yes ;gs Doesn't work because will fly backwards to point towards it and never shoot Armor=none TechLevel=3 ;Sight=6 Sight=8 Pip=white Speed=9 Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Cost=600 Soylent=300 Points=15 IsSelectableCombatant=yes VoiceSelect=RocketeerSelect VoiceMove=RocketeerMove VoiceAttack=RocketeerAttackCommand VoiceFeedback=RocketeerFear VoiceSpecialAttack=RocketeerMove DieSound= CrashingSound=RocketeerDie ImpactLandSound=RocketeerCrash Locomotor={92612C46-F71F-11d1-AC9F-006008055BB5} PhysicalSize=1 MovementZone=Fly ; This needs to be None, like aircraft ConsideredAircraft=yes ThreatPosed=15 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF,SIGHT,FASTER EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF JumpjetSpeed=30 ;params not defined use defaults (old globals way up top called Jumpjet controls) JumpjetClimb=20 ;HY increase climb speed; used to be 10 JumpjetCrash=25 ; Climb, but down JumpJetAccel=10 JumpJetTurnRate=10 JumpjetHeight=500 JumpjetWobbles=.01 JumpjetDeviation=1 JumpjetNoWobbles=yes ; the wobbling is in the Hover sequence of the art, instead of being programmer art/ sine wave Size=1 SpeedType=Hover HoverAttack=yes Crashable=yes BalloonHover=yes ; ie never land MoveSound=RocketeerMoveLoop ElitePrimary=20mmE