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This page should correctly be named "[LEVITATION]"; it is wrong due to technical restrictions.

This section of rules(md).ini controls the movement and behavior of units with the levitate locomotor.

Applicable INI Flags

This table shows all INI flags applicable to [LEVITATION]. The flags are listed in the order they are read in by the game. You can re-sort the rows by column values by clicking the arrow icons in the column headings. Each flag can be clicked to visit its page for detailed information.

Please note that this section is valid only for Firestorm. It does not exist in any other C&C game.

INI File Section Key Value Type Default Value Adds to list
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION Drag float ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION MaxVelocityWhenHappy float ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION MaxVelocityWhenFollowing float ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION MaxVelocityWhenPissedOff float ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION AccelerationProbability float ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION AccelerationDuration float ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION InitialBoost float ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION MaxBlockCount int ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION PropulsionSoundEffect string list ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION IntentionalDeacceleration float ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION IntentionalDriftVelocity float ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION ProximityDistance float ?
Rules(md).ini LEVITATION Acceleration float ?


  • This section must be typed in full caps. I.e. [Levitation] will not work.
  • There are two additional flags listed under this section in firestrm(md).ini: BounceVelocity and CollisionWaitDuration. However, neither of these are listed in the game executable, therefore they do not actually exist.
BounceVelocity=3.5				; How fast does jellyfish bounce away after hitting a wall.  Don't screw with this
CollisionWaitDuration=15			; How long does jellyfish wait before puffing after hitting a wall?