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Flag: SuperWeaponTypes
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This entry was copied from DeeZire's Red Alert 2 and Yuris Revenge INI Editing Guide for the sake of completeness. As it is not our intention to rip off DeeZire's work, this article is subject to a re-write and update with the latest community knowledge.

For further information, please read Inclusion of The Guide.

This section simple takes the form of a list, numbered starting at '1', of all the Super Weapons in the game. Each Super Weapon should then be defined with its own section in the same way as units and structures. The map file action which gives a player a Super Weapon also uses this list (see the Map Editing Guide). A description of each valid tag in those sections follows, however there is one important point to make on this list - the game is hard coded to use the EVA voices for the warnings of Super Weapon structures being constructed depending on the default order of this list. This means that if you change the order, or the effect of the Super Weapons, you won't get different EVA announcements when the relevant structure is placed on the map. A way around this is to disable those EVA voices from the EVA.INI file (see the EVA.INI Guide). For this reason, I do not recommend changing the order of the list. For example, placing a structure on the map that has SuperWeapon=ChronoSphereSpecial set will always result in EVA announcing 'Warning: Chrono Sphere Detected' even if the Super Weapon has been modified so that its no longer a Chrono Sphere. Similarly, adding a new Super Weapon will not result in EVA making any announcements, even if you add new voices.

Like all previous C&C games, much of the functionality of the Super Weapons in the game is hard coded. However, it is possible through clever manipulation of the RULES and ART files to modify the Super Weapons to a great degree. This is intentionally the last section in the guide as it requires a very good understanding of the way the game logic works and operates. If you are an experienced editor, after this point in the guide you should have accumulated enough knowledge to at least make it look to the players that there is one (or more) new Super Weapon. Because of this hard coding issue, making a 'new' super weapon means that you either have to substitute your new one for one of the existing ones or heavily modify the others in order to either 'clone' an existing one or create a 'new' one that behaves in a similar way to an existing one. At the very least, you can customize any Super Weapon to give your mod that extra uniqueness and even more functionality. The Action= and Type= entries are of particular pertinence when working with Super Weapons as they define the overall characteristics of them.

One useful note to consider when editing the Super Weapons is that you cannot give a Super Weapon to a structure that already has a 'normal' weapon defined. The structures' sole purpose in Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge must be to 'carry' the Super Weapon, since the presence of the Super Weapon actually 'hard codes' a new weapon (whose characteristics are defined by the Super Weapon's Type=) onto the structure. If that same structure also has a normal weapon, it simply will not function. It is this part of the game logic that allows Super Weapons to be disabled - the effect of disabling them is to prevent the relevant structures being built by the player(s) or the AI.