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Category:Flags missing value types
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Flags in this category do have Template:Flag on them, but the values parameter is not set, meaning the pages don't tell the reader what values the flag in question accepts.
If you can, please fix this as soon as possible.
Pages in category "Flags missing value types"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 779 total.
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- AlliedSurvivorDivisor
- Allies
- AlliesAllowed
- AllowFind
- AllowModeToggle
- AllowPage
- AllowShroudedSubteranneanMoves
- AllowVRAMSidebar
- AllyChangeAllowed
- AllyReveal
- AnimationProbability
- AntiAirValue
- AntiArmorValue
- AntiInfantryValue
- ApproachTargetResetMultiplier
- AttachedParticleSystem
- AttachEffect
- Attack
- AttackCursorOnDisguise
- AutoCrush
- AutoScroll
- AuxSound1
- AuxSound2
- BailOut
- BalloonHoverAcceleration
- BalloonHoverBob
- BalloonHoverBoost
- BalloonHoverBrake
- BalloonHoverDampen
- BalloonHoverHeight
- BarrelCompressFrames
- BarrelHoldFrames
- BarrelRecoverFrames
- BarrelStartPitch
- BarrelTravel
- BaseBias
- BaseDefenseDelay
- BaseUnderAttackSound
- Baud
- BeginMovie
- BlendedFog
- BlockagePathDelay
- BombAttachSound
- BombSight
- BombTickingSound
- BounceAnim
- BounceSound
- BridgeDestruction
- Brief
- BuildAA
- BuildBarracks
- BuildCat
- BuildCheat
- BuildConst
- BuildDefense
- BuildDelay
- BuildDummy
- BuildHelipad
- BuildingAbandonedSound
- BuildingGarrisonedSound
- BuildingRepairedSound
- BuildNavalYard
- BuildOffAlly
- BuildPDefense
- BuildRadar
- BuildRefinery
- BuildSpeed
- BuildTech
- BuildTime
- BuildupSound
- BuildupTime
- BuildWeapons
- BunkerWallsDownSound
- BunkerWallsUpSound
- CallWaitString
- CallWaitStringIndex
- CampaignMoneyDeltaEasy
- CampaignMoneyDeltaHard
- CampDifficulty
- CanRecalcApproachTarget
- CarryOverCap
- CarryOverMoney
- Category
- CausesDelayKill
- CD I
- CellRangefinding
- CenterView
- ChargeToDrainRatio
- CheerSound
- ChuteSound
- CivEvac
- Cloak
- CloseEnough
- CloseRange
- CMislAcceleration
- CMislAltitude
- CMislBodyLength
- CMislDamage
- CMislEliteDamage
- CMislPauseFrames
- CMislPitchFinal
- CMislPitchInitial
- CMislTiltFrames
- CMislTurnRate
- CollapseChance
- Color I
- Color II
- Color III
- Color IIII
- ColorAdd
- ColorEx
- ColorList
- ColorSpeed
- CompEasyBonus
- Compression
- ConcentricRadialIndicator
- ConcreteWalls
- CopyBlock
- Country
- CourseLockDuration
- CrashingSound
- CrateImg
- CrateMaximum
- CrateMinimum
- CrateRadius
- CrateRegen
- CraterLevel
- Crates I
- CratesAppear
- CrateTrigger
- CreateUnitSound I
- CreditReserve
- Credits
- Credits I
- CreditTicks
- CrewEscape
- Crush
- CrushSound
- CurrentStrengthDamage
- CursorCheat
- DamSmkOffScrnRel
- DeactivateSound
- DeathWeaponDamageModifier
- Debris
- DebrisAnims
- DefaultChronoSound
- DefaultDebrisSmokeSystem
- DefaultFireStreamSystem
- DefaultLargeGreySmokeSystem
- DefaultLargeRedSmokeSystem
- DefaultRepairParticleSystem
- DefaultSmallGreySmokeSystem
- DefaultSmallRedSmokeSystem
- DefaultSparkSystem
- DefaultTestParticleSystem
- DefaultToGuardArea
- Deform
- DeformThreshhold
- DelayKillAtMax
- DelayKillFrames
- DeleteObject
- DeploySound
- DestroyParticleSystems
- DestroySmokeOffset
- DestroyWalls
- DetectDisguise
- DetectDisguiseRange
- DialMethod
- DirectRockingCoefficient
- Disableable
- DisabledDisguiseDetectionPercent
- DisplayAsian
- DisplayLatin
- DissolveUnfilledTeamDelay
- Distance within the iso-CnC engine
- DMislAcceleration
- DMislAltitude
- DMislBodyLength
- DMislDamage
- DMislEliteDamage
- DMislPauseFrames
- DMislPitchFinal
- DMislPitchInitial
- DMislRaiseRate
- DMislTiltFrames
- DMislTurnRate
- DownReport
- DrainAnimationType
- DrainMoneyAmount
- DrainMoneyFrameDelay
- DrawBoltAsLaser
- DropPodAngle
- DropPodHeight
- DropPodPuff
- DumbMyEffectivenessCoefficient
- DumbTargetDistanceCoefficient
- DumbTargetEffectivenessCoefficient
- DumbTargetSpecialThreatCoefficient
- DumbTargetStrengthCoefficient
- Duration