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Flag: AttackCursorOnFriendlies
File(s): rules(md).ini
Values: Boolean values: yes or no, true or false, 1 or 0
Default: no
Applicable to: InfantryTypes, VehicleTypes, AircraftTypes, BuildingTypes

Determines whether this unit is able to legally issue an attack on friendly units without a force fire command to do so. Does not include friendly units in the unit's threat scan.


  • Has no effect on TechnoTypes that use hypnosis-type weapons. and InfantryTypes using the Engineer=yes tag.
  • It is well known that InfantryTypes and VehicleTypes with AttackCursorOnFriendlies=yes tags will not be able to access Grinder for example Ivan I can now fix that problem without having to rely on any extensions.

  • AttackCursorOnFriendlies=yes Do not allow VehicleTypes to dock at the ore refinery(Except by holding down the Alt key)+ Do not allow repairs from BuildingTypes that uses the UnitRepair=yes tag