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Revision as of 04:07, 9 September 2008 by DCoder (talk | contribs) (Rolling back latest edits, Cameo is an artmd flag in the first place, not rulesmd...))
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Tiberian Dawn The Covert Operations Red Alert Counterstrike Aftermath Tiberian Sun Firestorm HyperPatch Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Ares Generals Zero Hour Tiberium Wars Kane's Wrath
Flag: Cameo
File(s): Art(md).ini
Values: Strings: Normal text. (Limited to: filenames)
Default: XXICON
Applicable to: InfantryTypes, VehicleTypes, AircraftTypes, BuildingTypes

Template:TTL defines the "sidebar image" for this ObjectType . If your cameo is in a file called monkicon.shp, you would write




This refers to the filename without the extension (.SHP is assumed) and is case-insensitive. xxicon.shp is the game's image to be used when the cameo file cannot be found or is not defined.

See Also