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Flag: Immune
File(s): Rules(md).ini
Values: Boolean
Default: no
Applicable to: InfantryTypes, VehicleTypes, AircraftTypes, BuildingTypes

Can be set to 'yes' or 'no' and determines if this object is immune to normal combat damage. BuildingTypes will still get 'damaged' if this is set to 'yes' and the structure has Powered=true when it is low on power (the rate at which that damage is inflicted is determined by the DamageDelay= statement).
Weapons with the Temporal=yes flag can still kill immune units.
Weapons with the Suicide=yes flag can still kill immune units.
InfantryTypes with the C4=yesflag can still destroy BuildingTypes that uses tags Immune.


The LegalTarget=no tag suppresses prohibited cursors displayed on InfantryTypes, VehicleTypes, AircraftTypes, BuildingTypes.