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Tiberian Dawn The Covert Operations Red Alert Counterstrike Aftermath Tiberian Sun Firestorm HyperPatch Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Ares Generals Zero Hour Tiberium Wars Kane's Wrath
Flag: MindControl
File(s): rules(md).ini
Values: Boolean values: yes or no, true or false, 1 or 0
Default: no
Applicable to: Warheads

If set, this warhead will mind-control the target instead of inflicting damage. The effect is instant, and ignores whether the weapon actually hit the target or not. Objects that have ImmuneToPsionics=yes are completely immune, and cannot be targeted.
The owner can only target and control one object at a time, and will lose control over the first target if it fires on a second one.
Note that MindControl=yes warheads will cause an Internal Error when detonated if any of the following conditions are true:

  • Firing weapon is a shrapnel weapon and DeathWeapon.
  • Firing weapon is an urban combat weapon (fired from an occupied building).
  • Firing weapon is a secondary weapon. ;(The problem was resolved by adding MindControl=yes to the warhead of
    and ElitePrimary)

In Red Alert 2

InfantryTypes that can be hypnotized and have the tag Occupier=yes
If the aforementioned InfantryTypes hypnotize any unit before entering the building The hypnotic line will still exist.
But when the aforementioned InfantryTypes entered the building The hypnotic lines will disappear. It was as if it were a permanent hypnosis. But when the aforementioned InfantryTypes leave the building, the hypnotic lines will appear as normal.

In Yuri's Revenge

The Damage value of the weapon defines how many objects total can be controlled by the firer. Values greater than 1 prevent previously established mind-control links from being lost. Because of that, after reaching the limit, no new object can be controlled until at least one of the old ones is destroyed.

Bugs/Side-Effects/Unexpected Limitations

The game only checks the Primary weapon for MindControl=yes warhead (giving it to a Secondary causes an Internal Error). Furthermore, changing Damage on ElitePrimary doesn't affect how many objects can be controlled - only Primary is checked.


to prevent certain actions such as hypnosis BuildingTypes or infantry,VehicleTypes, AircraftTypes of Yours.

  • CellSpread that is set on the warhead. will not be used.
  • The hypnotic effect occurs only when it actually hits the target. The attack on the ground was nothing more than a deception.
  • Excessive mind control effects (not animations) In case you see the mind control effect lines will affect the game speed.
  • All hypnotic TechnoTypes If inside the building When the original owner is defeated(Game Over) all TechnoTypes will be killed.
  • InfantryTypes who are hypnotized can enter passenger planes. (AircraftTypes) Yes, after that the hypnosis will disappear.
  • (For YR) If the MindControl type weapon was used in the OccupyWeapon,EliteOccupyWeapon The amount of Hypnosis is based on the Damage of the Primary of the building.

See also