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Tiberian Dawn The Covert Operations Red Alert Counterstrike Aftermath Tiberian Sun Firestorm HyperPatch Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge Ares Generals Zero Hour Tiberium Wars Kane's Wrath
Flag: Name
File(s): Rules(md).ini, Maps
Values: strings
Default: none
Applicable to: General, InfantryTypes, VehicleTypes, AircraftTypes, BuildingTypes, Basic, Countries, SuperWeaponTypes

On Infantry/Vehicle/Aircraft/Building/SuperWeapon Types / Countries

Plain-text name of this object. Was used in games prior to Red Alert 2 to output a unit's name. It is now superceded by UIName, as an approach with strings makes for easier localization.

In Tiberian Sun, the cameos are without text. Name is written on these by the game.

Note that Final Alert 2 does NOT use Name to determine the names of objects, but UIName as well like the game. This means that Name can only be used to tell whose code you're looking at if you can't determine that from it's identifier (you know, the name between the [ and ]) when in Rules(md).ini This 'Identifier' in turn is the only way to identify TechnoTypes by hovering the cursor over them in Final Alert 2. The ID is displayed at the bottom-left.

The Name is truncated to 23 characters maximum regardless of how many you enter.

In [General]

As with UIName, there is a Name flag at the beginning of the [General] section. Yet again, it seems to be of no use, however The Guide mentions how it was supposedly possible to use several rule*.ini (rule1.ini, rule2.ini, ...) files in RA, and then to differentiate between them by name. This was, however, never seen in use and was probably dropped in favor of differently named, overriding INIs.

In [Basic]

In maps, this flag specifies the map name as shown in the game. (In RA2/YR, .map maps ignore this value and take their name from the mission.ini or PKT files.)