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Flag: Hospital
File(s): rules(md).ini
Values: Boolean values: yes or no, true or false, 1 or 0
Default: no
Applicable to: BuildingTypes

If set to yes, this building heals any infantry units that enter it. The building must also have Ammo set to a value greater than 0 to specify the number of times it can heal infantry.

Note that giving the BuildingType a weapon will use up one Ammo each time the weapon fires and makes the building permanently unusuable (no firing, no healing) once it runs out of Ammo.


  • You are not being treated for being stupid(4SG)

Bugs/Side-Effects/Unexpected Limitations

  • Using this on a building that also has Factory=UnitType or Factory=InfantryType set causes the AI to spam only one type of unit from that factory, the first vehicle/infantry type that the AI can build (i.e. the AI house is listed as the object's Owner).