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Flag: TurretCount
File(s): Rules(md).ini
Values: unsigned integers
Default: 0
Applicable to: VehicleTypes, BuildingTypes

Specifies the amount of turrets this object has. Used for special weapon systems, for example, turret-changers (Gunner=yes), charge turrets (IsChargeTurret=yes), or gattling logic (IsGattling=yes).

In those cases, the game loads files objectnametur%d.vxl/hva, where %d represents the number between 1 and TurretCount, as opposed to plain objectnametur.vxl/hva it loads normally.

Bugs/Side-Effects/Unexpected Limitations

When setting TurretCount to a value greater than 0, see that WeaponCount is also set correctly. This has to be done because the latter is not initialized to a constant value, and garbage in memory could lead to unexpected results, like corrupting memory. In the best case it crashes when starting a game.

IfInfantryTypes has TurretCount=1 WeaponCount=2

Weapon1FLH(in Art.ini or Artmd.ini)

Weapon2FLH(in Art.ini or Artmd.ini)

EliteWeapon1FLH(in Art.ini or Artmd.ini)

EliteWeapon2FLH(in Art.ini or Artmd.ini)






