Flag: | Agent |
File(s): | rules(md).ini |
Values: | Boolean values: yes or no, true or false, 1 or 0 |
Default: | no |
Applicable to: | InfantryTypes |
Can be set to 'yes' or 'no'. An InfantryType with this and Infiltrate set to 'yes' gain the ability to enter enemy structures to various effects:
If an Agent enters a...
- Building with Factory= set to any valid type, the cameo of whatever object the owning player is currently constructing will be displayed to the infiltrating player above the selected building whenever the infiltrated building is selected by the infiltrating player. The cameo will however be displayed in a wrong palette (building palette?).
- Building with Radar set to 'yes', the infiltrating player will not only see all terrain the owner of the infiltrated building has yet discovered, but will also see all terrain that player discovers after his building was infiltrated. Through a bug in this logic, the terrain that is discovered by other players will also be seen.
- Refinery - no effect (?)
- Building with Power set to a number greater than "0" - Shows the power levels of the infiltrated player.
In TS, this is only used on the Chameleon Spy, which is only available to the player in one single player mission in the unmodded game. in this mission, the flag does not show its entire potential, because the mission objective is the infiltration of only one structure. The effect of the flag is actually much more extensive and might hint to a feature that the game designers possibly planned, but cut from the final game.
Note that this logic may cause IEs when an InfantryType is an Agent and Engineer, C4 bomber or Thief at the same time, though this needs further testing. The Thief is the less likely to cause IEs in this respect.
In RA2
Flag: | Agent |
File(s): | rules(md).ini |
Values: | ERROR – No value types set! Please edit this page and fix the Flag template! |
This entry was copied from DeeZire's Red Alert 2 and Yuris Revenge INI Editing Guide for the sake of completeness. As it is not our intention to rip off DeeZire's work, this article is subject to a re-write and update with the latest community knowledge. For further information, please read Inclusion of The Guide. |
Can be set to 'yes' or 'no' and determines if this InfantryType has the properties of a Spy when it enters specific structures. Also requires Infiltrate=yes set on the unit. Note that this applies to the Spy logic from Red Alert 2 (not the logic from the original Red Alert) and thus is dependant upon the structure that the Spy enters. NOTE: a unit cannot be an Agent= and an Assaulter= - only one or the other.