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Units (maps)

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This page should correctly be named "[Units]"; it is wrong due to technical restrictions.

This section lists all the VehicleTypes that should be preplaced on the map when the game starts.


Tiberian Dawn

Red Alert, Counterstrike, Aftermath

Tiberian Sun, Firestorm, Red Alert 2, Yuri's Revenge

The [Units] section takes the following format:

Meanings of each string
String Meaning
Index This is an index for the list. Any unique string without equals signs will do.
Owner The Name of the House who should receive this VehicleType.
ID The ID of this VehicleType.
HEALTH The amount of health this VehicleType has, expressed in 1/256ths of its total Strength=. (0-256)
X The X coordinate of the cell which this VehicleType should be placed in.
Y The Y coordinate of the cell which this VehicleType should be placed in.
FACING The 256-based facing of this VehicleType. 0 stands for game North (North East of the screen) and increasing numbers rotate clockwise. (0,32..256)
MISSION The Name of the Mission this VehicleType should be placed in.
TAG The ID of the Tag attached to this VehicleType, or <none> if no tag should be attached.
VETERANCY The veteran level of this VehicleType multiplied by 100 - 0 for 'rookie', 100 for 'Veteran', 200 for 'Elite'. Note that you can assign other values, e.g. if you assign 75 then the VehicleType will be created with 75/100ths of experience necessary for Veteran level already accumulated. (0/100/200/0-200)
GROUP The Group of this VehicleType.
HIGH If set, the VehicleType is spawned above ground level. Whether it is on ground or on bridge.
FOLLOWS_INDEX Index of the VehicleType to follow for this VehicleType. Like in trains, 1st carriage will follow the engine and 2nd carriage will follow the 1st carriage and so on.
AUTOCREATE_NO_RECRUITABLE When a TeamType has Autocreate=no, this VehicleType is
Possible values
Value Meaning
0 Not available for recruitment.
1 Available for recruitment. If recruitment fails, don't produce from factory.
AUTOCREATE_YES_RECRUITABLE When a TeamType has Autocreate=yes, this VehicleType is
Possible values
Value Meaning
0 Not available for recruitment.
1 Available for recruitment. If recruitment of this pre-placed unit fails and AUTOCREATE_NO_RECRUITABLE is set to 0 then produce from factory.

See also: Autocreate