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This page should correctly be named "[Particles]"; it is wrong due to technical restrictions.

[Particles] is a section of rules(md).ini, listing the available particles to the game. If a particle isn't listed, it doesn't get initialized and therefore isn't usable.

According to The Guide, Particles is also a flag on particles (the objects), defining "the number of particles that this particle comprises of.". This revision's author has searched both YR's and TS's rules and has not found evidence of the existence of this flag, neither on itself nor in comments. If anybody has used this flag on particles before and can talk about its effects, please expand this page.

Applicable INI Flags

These tables show all INI flags applicable1 to Particles. The flags are grouped by the internal classes the flags are inherited from, and then listed in the order they are read in by the game. You can re-sort the rows by column values by clicking the arrow icons in the column headings. Each flag can be clicked to visit its page for detailed information.

Please note that this section is accurate only for Yuri's Revenge. All other C&C games use different sets of flags.

1 "Applicable" in this context means "read from the INI files". Certain flags listed here don't have any effect ingame , but they are read and in certain cases cause a crash if not present. Again, refer to each flag's individual page for detailed information.

INI File Section Key Value Type Default Value Adds to list
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Name string(48 symbols) ID
Rules(md).ini Object's ID UIName string(31 symbol) ""

INI File Section Key Value Type Default Value Adds to list
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Image string (31 symbol) Object's ID
Rules(md).ini Object's ID AlphaImage string (31 symbol) ""
Rules(md).ini Object's ID CrushSound Sound (128 symbols) ""
Rules(md).ini Object's ID AmbientSound Sound (128 symbols) ""
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Crushable boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Bombable boolean 1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID NoSpawnAlt boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID AlternateArcticArt boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID RadarInvisible boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Selectable boolean 1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID LegalTarget boolean 1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Armor Armor 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Strength int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Immune boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Insignificant boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID HasRadialIndicator boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID RadialColor Color 0,0,0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID IgnoresFirestorm boolean 0
Art(md).ini Object's Image UseLineTrail boolean 0
Art(md).ini Object's Image LineTrailColor Color 0,0,0
Art(md).ini Object's Image LineTrailColorDecrement int 16
Art(md).ini Object's Image Theater boolean 0
Art(md).ini Object's Image NewTheater boolean 0
Art(md).ini Object's Image Voxel boolean 0

INI File Section Key Value Type Default Value Adds to list
Rules(md).ini Object's ID ColorList vector<Color> {}
Rules(md).ini Object's ID MaxDC int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID MaxEC int 1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Damage int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Warhead WarheadType 0 +
Rules(md).ini Object's ID StartFrame int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID NumLoopFrames int 1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Translucency int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID WindEffect int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Velocity float 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Deacc float 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Radius int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID DeleteOnStateLimit boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID EndStateAI int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID StartStateAI int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID StateAIAdvance int 4
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Translucent50State int -1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Translucent25State int -1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Normalized boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID ColorSpeed float 0.0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID XVelocity int 1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID YVelocity int 1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID MinZVelocity int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID ZVelocityRange int 1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID NextParticleOffset XYZ {0;0;0}
Rules(md).ini Object's ID StartColor1 Color {0;0;0}
Rules(md).ini Object's ID StartColor2 Color {0;0;0}
Rules(md).ini Object's ID FinalDamageState int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID NextParticle -1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID BehavesLike Behaviour2 -1

See also