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The SuperWeaponTypeClass holds default settings for SuperWeapons which are loaded from an INI file.

Class specifications

Property Value
Derivation AbstractClassAbstractTypeClass → SuperWeaponTypeClass
GUID {CF2BCE7-36E4-11D2-B8D8-006008C809ED}
VT address (YR 1.001) 0x7F4090
Size of member data (YR 1.001) 0x100 bytes
AbstractClass derivative:
AbstractDerivation ID 0x20

Member variables

Offset Type Name Description
0x0 ptr VirtualTable Pointer to the class's Virtual Table
0x4 ptr IRTTITypeInfo VTable Pointer to an extended VTable (not sure what exactly it does)
0x8 ptr INoticeSink VTable Pointer to an extended VTable (not sure what exactly it does)
0xC ptr INoticeSource VTable Pointer to an extended VTable (not sure what exactly it does)
0x10 DWORD unknown
0x14 DWORD DerivationFlags Bit 0: set if the instance is or derives from a TechnoClass
Bit 1: set if the instance is or derives from a ObjectClass
Bit 2: set if the instance is or derives from a FootClass
0x18 DWORD unknown
0x1C DWORD unknown
0x20 bool Dirty Was the object changed since it was last saved?
0x21 BYTE unused
0x22 WORD unused
0x24 char[0x18] ID The INI name of this type (for example: SMCV).
0x3C BYTE reserved Zero-termination of the ID.
0x3D char[0x20] UIName Stringtable reference given by the UIName tag.
0x5D BYTE reserved Zero-termination of the UIName.
0x5E WORD unused
0x60 wchar* UIName Pointer to the UIName unicode string inside the stringtable.
0x64 char[0x31] Name Name given by the Name tag.
0x95 BYTE reserved Zero-termination of the Name.
0x96 WORD unused
0x98 int Index Index in the global SuperWeaponTypeClass array.
0x9C WeaponTypeClass* WeaponType
0xA0 DWORD unknown
0xA4 DWORD unknown
0xA8 DWORD unknown
0xAC DWORD unknown
0xB0 float RechargeTime
0xB4 int Type
0xB8 CCFileClass* SidebarImage
0xBC int Action
0xC0 int SpecialSound
0xC4 int StartSound
0xC8 BuildingTypeClass* AuxBuilding
0xCC char[0x18] SidebarImage_FileName
0xE4 BYTE reserved Zero-termination of the SidebarImage_FileName
0xE5 bool UseChargeDrain
0xE6 bool IsPowered
0xE7 bool DisableableFromShell
0xE8 int FlashSidebarTabFrames
0xEC bool AIDefendAgainst
0xED bool PreClick
0xEE bool PostClick
0xEF BYTE unused
0xF0 int PreDependent
0xF4 bool ShowTimer
0xF5 bool ManualControl
0xF6 WORD unused
0xF8 float Range
0xFC int LineMultiplier
AbstractClass - Member Variables
AbstractTypeClass - Member Variables
SuperWeaponTypeClass - Member Variables

Virtual Table

Offset Return Type Name Arguments Description
0x0 HRESULT QueryInterface REFIID iid
void ** ppvObject
"Returns a pointer to a specified interface on an object to which a client currently holds an interface pointer."
0x4 ULONG AddRef none MSDN:
"[...] increments the reference count for an interface on an object. It should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an interface on a given object."
0x8 ULONG Release none MSDN:
"Decrements the reference count for the calling interface on a object. If the reference count on the object falls to 0, the object is freed from memory."
"Retrieves the class identifier (CLSID) of an object. The CLSID is a unique value that identifies the code that can manipulate the persistent data."
0x10 HRESULT IsDirty none MSDN:
"Checks the object for changes since it was last saved."
0x14 HRESULT Load IStream* stream
AbstractClass* dst
"Initializes an object from the stream where it was previously saved."
0x18 HRESULT Save IStream* stream
AbstractClass* src
(3rd is unknown)
"Saves an object to the specified stream."
"Returns the size in bytes of the stream needed to save the object."
0x20 none (DTOR) Destructor none Frees memory and removes this instance from global arrays.
0x24 unknown unknown unknown
0x28 unknown unknown unknown
0x2C int GetAbstractDerivationID none Gets the AbstractDerivationID of this class.
Used to find out "what something is".
0x30 int GetSize none Gets the size of the member data.
0x34 unsigned long GetCRC unknown Calculates a CRC sum of this instance.
0x38 int GetOwningHouseIndex none Gets the index of the House (player) who owns this object.
0x3C HouseClass* GetOwningHouse none Gets a pointer to the House (player) who owns this object.
0x40 int GetArrayIndex none Gets the index of this class instance in the global array.
This will return 0 for abstract classes.
0x44 bool IsDead none Finds out whether this instance is dead.
This is only used for "living" objects with a health.
0x48 void Get3DCoords int* dst_xyz Loads 3D coordinates into dst_xyz.
0x4C void Get3DCoords_var int* dst_xyz Loads 3D coordinates into variables, then into dst_xyz.
This method is obsolete (use 0x48).
0x50 unknown unknown unknown
0x54 unknown unknown unknown
0x58 unknown unknown unknown
0x5C void AdvanceFrame none This is an updating routine, called every frame.
0x60 unknown unknown unknown
0x64 bool LoadFromINI CCINIClass* ini Initializes the type based on the INI file section ID.
0x68 bool SaveToINI CCINIClass* ini Saves this type to an INI file.
0x6C int GetMousePointer (1st unused)
TechnoClass* pointed
Determines what mouse cursor to show when this SuperWeaponType is active, depending on the object beneath the mouse pointer.
AbstractClass - Virtual Table
AbstractTypeClass - Virtual Table
SuperWeaponTypeClass - Virtual Table