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The HouseTypeClass holds default settings for Houses which are loaded from an INI file.
HouseTypes are also known as Countries.
Class specifications
Property | Value |
General: | |
Derivation | AbstractClass → AbstractTypeClass → HouseTypeClass |
GUID | {1DD43928-046B-11D2-ACA4-006008055BB5} |
VT address (YR 1.001) | 0x7EAB58 |
Size of member data (YR 1.001) | 0x1B0 bytes |
AbstractClass derivative: | |
AbstractDerivation ID | 0x0E |
Member variables
Offset | Type | Name | Description |
AbstractClass: | |||
0x0 | ptr | VirtualTable | Pointer to the class's Virtual Table |
0x4 | ptr | IRTTITypeInfo VTable | Pointer to an extended VTable (not sure what exactly it does) |
0x8 | ptr | INoticeSink VTable | Pointer to an extended VTable (not sure what exactly it does) |
0xC | ptr | INoticeSource VTable | Pointer to an extended VTable (not sure what exactly it does) |
0x10 | DWORD | unknown | |
0x14 | DWORD | DerivationFlags | Bit 0: set if the instance is or derives from a TechnoClass Bit 1: set if the instance is or derives from a ObjectClass Bit 2: set if the instance is or derives from a FootClass |
0x18 | DWORD | unknown | |
0x1C | DWORD | unknown | |
0x20 | bool | Dirty | Was the object changed since it was last saved? |
0x21 | BYTE | unused | |
0x22 | WORD | unused | |
AbstractTypeClass: | |||
0x24 | char[0x18] | ID | The INI name of this type (for example: SMCV). |
0x3C | BYTE | reserved | Zero-termination of the ID. |
0x3D | char[0x20] | UIName | Stringtable reference given by the UIName tag. |
0x5D | BYTE | reserved | Zero-termination of the UIName. |
0x5E | WORD | unused | |
0x60 | wchar* | UIName | Pointer to the UIName unicode string inside the stringtable. |
0x64 | char[0x31] | Name | Name given by the Name tag. |
0x95 | BYTE | reserved | Zero-termination of the Name. |
0x96 | WORD | unused | |
HouseTypeClass: | |||
0x98 | char[0x18] | ParentCountry | |
0xB0 | BYTE | reserved | Zero-termination of the ParentCountry string. |
0xB1 | BYTE | unused | |
0xB2 | WORD | unused | |
0xB4 | int | Index | Index in the global HouseTypeClass array. |
0xB8 | int | Index | Index in the global HouseTypeClass array. (stored twice for some reason?) |
0xBC | int | Side index | Index of this country's side in the global SideClass array. |
0xC0 | ColorScheme* | Color | |
0xC4 | DWORD | unused | |
0xC8 | double | Firepower | |
0xD0 | double | Groundspeed | |
0xD8 | double | Airspeed | |
0xE0 | double | Armor | |
0xE8 | double | ROF | |
0xF0 | double | Cost | |
0xF8 | double | BuildTime | |
0x100 | float | ArmorInfantryMult | |
0x104 | float | ArmorUnitsMult | |
0x108 | float | ArmorAircraftMult | |
0x10C | float | ArmorBuildingsMult | |
0x110 | float | ArmorDefensesMult | |
0x114 | float | CostInfantryMult | |
0x118 | float | CostUnitsMult | |
0x11C | float | CostAircraftMult | |
0x120 | float | CostBuildingsMult | |
0x124 | float | CostDefensesMult | |
0x128 | float | SpeedInfantryMult | |
0x12C | float | SpeedUnitsMult | |
0x130 | float | SpeedAircraftMult | |
0x134 | float | BuildTimeInfantryMult | |
0x138 | float | BuildTimeUnitsMult | |
0x13C | float | BuildTimeAircraftMult | |
0x140 | float | BuildTimeBuildingsMult | |
0x144 | float | BuildTimeDefensesMult | |
0x148 | float | IncomeMult | |
0x14C | vector<InfantryTypeClass*> | VeteranInfantry | |
0x168 | vector<UnitTypeClass*> | VeteranUnits | |
0x184 | vector<AircraftTypeClass*> | VeteranAircraft | |
0x1A0 | char[0x4] | Suffix | |
0x1A4 | char[0x1] | Prefix | |
0x1A5 | bool | Multiplay | |
0x1A6 | bool | MultiplayPassive | |
0x1A7 | bool | WallOwner | |
0x1A8 | bool | SmartAI | |
0x1A9 | BYTE | unused | |
0x1AA | WORD | unused | |
0x1AC | DWORD | unused |
AbstractClass - Member Variables |
AbstractTypeClass - Member Variables |
HouseTypeClass - Member Variables |
Virtual Table
Offset | Return Type | Name | Arguments | Description |
IUnknown: | ||||
0x0 | HRESULT | QueryInterface | REFIID iid void ** ppvObject |
MSDN: "Returns a pointer to a specified interface on an object to which a client currently holds an interface pointer." |
0x4 | ULONG | AddRef | none | MSDN: "[...] increments the reference count for an interface on an object. It should be called for every new copy of a pointer to an interface on a given object." |
0x8 | ULONG | Release | none | MSDN: "Decrements the reference count for the calling interface on a object. If the reference count on the object falls to 0, the object is freed from memory." |
IPersist: | ||||
0xC | HRESULT | GetClassID | CLSID * pClassID | MSDN: "Retrieves the class identifier (CLSID) of an object. The CLSID is a unique value that identifies the code that can manipulate the persistent data." |
IPersistStream: | ||||
0x10 | HRESULT | IsDirty | none | MSDN: "Checks the object for changes since it was last saved." |
0x14 | HRESULT | Load | IStream* stream AbstractClass* dst |
MSDN: "Initializes an object from the stream where it was previously saved." |
0x18 | HRESULT | Save | IStream* stream AbstractClass* src (3rd is unknown) |
MSDN: "Saves an object to the specified stream." |
0x1C | HRESULT | GetMaxSize | ULARGE_INTEGER * pcbSize | MSDN: "Returns the size in bytes of the stream needed to save the object." |
AbstractClass: | ||||
0x20 | none (DTOR) | Destructor | none | Frees memory and removes this instance from global arrays. |
0x24 | unknown | unknown | unknown | |
0x28 | unknown | unknown | unknown | |
0x2C | int | GetAbstractDerivationID | none | Gets the AbstractDerivationID of this class. Used to find out "what something is". |
0x30 | int | GetSize | none | Gets the size of the member data. |
0x34 | unsigned long | GetCRC | unknown | Calculates a CRC sum of this instance. |
0x38 | int | GetOwningHouseIndex | none | Gets the index of the House (player) who owns this object. |
0x3C | HouseClass* | GetOwningHouse | none | Gets a pointer to the House (player) who owns this object. |
0x40 | int | GetArrayIndex | none | Gets the index of this class instance in the global array. This will return 0 for abstract classes. |
0x44 | bool | IsDead | none | Finds out whether this instance is dead. This is only used for "living" objects with a health. |
0x48 | void | Get3DCoords | int* dst_xyz | Loads 3D coordinates into dst_xyz. |
0x4C | void | Get3DCoords_var | int* dst_xyz | Loads 3D coordinates into variables, then into dst_xyz. This method is obsolete (use 0x48). |
0x50 | unknown | unknown | unknown | |
0x54 | unknown | unknown | unknown | |
0x58 | unknown | unknown | unknown | |
0x5C | void | AdvanceFrame | none | This is an updating routine, called every frame. |
AbstractTypeClass: | ||||
0x60 | unknown | unknown | unknown | |
0x64 | bool | LoadFromINI | CCINIClass* ini | Initializes the type based on the INI file section ID. |
0x68 | bool | SaveToINI | CCINIClass* ini | Saves this type to an INI file. |
AbstractClass - Virtual Table |
AbstractTypeClass - Virtual Table |
Member functions
Address (YR 1.001) | Return Type | Name | Arguments | Description |
0x5113F0 | ptr (CTOR) | Constructor | char* ID | Creates an instance. |