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Category:Ares Flags
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This category contains all flags added by Ares.
Pages in category "Ares Flags"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 301 total.
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- Abductor
- Abductor.AbductBelowPercent
- Abductor.Anim
- Abductor.ChangeOwner
- AffectsEnemies
- AffectsOwner
- AI.BaseDefenseCounts
- AI.BaseDefenses
- AI.PowerPlants
- AIRandomSelectionWeight
- AlliedSolidTransparency
- AllowBypassBuildLimit
- AllowParallelAIQueues
- AllowZeroDamag
- AttachEffect
- AttachEffect.Animation
- AttachEffect.AnimResetOnReapply
- AttachEffect.ArmorMultiplier
- AttachEffect.Cloakable
- AttachEffect.Cumulative
- AttachEffect.Delay
- AttachEffect.Duration
- AttachEffect.FirepowerMultiplier
- AttachEffect.InitialDelay
- AttachEffect.PenetratesIronCurtain
- AutoRepel
- CampaignScore.OverParTheme
- CampaignScore.UnderParTheme
- CanBeDriven
- CanBeOccupiedBy
- CanBeReversed
- CanDrive
- CanPassiveAquire.Cloak
- CanPassiveAquire.Guard
- CanTarget
- CanTargetHouses
- CellSpread.MaxAffect
- ChronoInfantryCrush
- Chronoshift.Allow
- Chronoshift.Crushable
- Chronoshift.IsVehicle
- Chronosphere.BlastDest
- Chronosphere.BlastSrc
- Chronosphere.BlowUnplaceable
- Chronosphere.ReconsiderBuildings
- CivilianEnemy
- Cloakable.Stages
- Cloneable
- ClonedAs
- ClonedAt
- CloningFacility
- Convert.Deploy
- Convert.Land
- Convert.Script
- Convert.Water
- Crew.EngineerChance
- Cursor
- Cursor.Attack
- Cursor.AttackOutOfRange
- Cursor.Deploy
- Cursor.Enter
- Cursor.Move
- Cursor.NoDeploy
- Cursor.NoEnter
- Cursor.NoMove
- Cursor.Spy
- CustomPalette
- DebugKeysEnabled
- DefaultDisguise
- Deliver.BaseNormal
- Deliver.Owner
- Deliver.Types
- DesignatorRange
- Dominator.Capture
- Dominator.CaptureImmuneToPsionics
- Dominator.CaptureMindControlled
- Dominator.CapturePermaMindControlled
- Dominator.ControlAnim
- Dominator.FireAtPercentage
- Dominator.FirstAnim
- Dominator.FirstAnimHeight
- Dominator.PermanentCapture
- Dominator.Ripple
- Dominator.SecondAnim
- Dominator.SecondAnimHeight
- Drain.Amount
- Drain.Local
- DropPod.Maximum
- DropPod.Minimum
- DropPod.Types
- DropPod.Veterancy
- DropPodMaximum
- DropPodMinimum
- DropPodTrailer
- DropPodTypes
- EffectsRequireDamage
- EffectsRequireVerses
- EMP.Cap
- EMP.Duration
- EMP.Sparkles
- EmptyReloadAmount
- EnemyInsignia
- EVA.ElitePromoted
- EVA.VeteranPromoted
- Experience.AirstrikeModifier
- Experience.FromAirstrike
- Experience.FromPassengers
- Experience.MindControlSelfModifier
- Experience.MindControlVictimModifier
- Experience.PassengerModifier
- Experience.PromotePassengers
- Experience.SpawnModifier
- Experience.SpawnOwnerModifier
- Lightning.BoltExplosion
- Lightning.Bolts
- Lightning.CloudHeight
- Lightning.Clouds
- Lightning.Debris
- Lightning.DebrisMax
- Lightning.DebrisMin
- Lightning.Duration
- Lightning.HitDelay
- Lightning.IgnoreLightningRod
- Lightning.PrintText
- Lightning.RadarOutage
- Lightning.RadarOutageAffects
- Lightning.ScatterCount
- Lightning.ScatterDelay
- Lightning.Separation
- Lightning.Sounds
- ListIndex
- LoadingTheme
- LoadScreenText.Name
- LoadScreenText.SpecialName
- LostEvaEvent
- MakeInfantryOwner
- Malicious
- MenuText.Status
- Message.Abort
- Message.Activate
- Message.CannotFire
- Message.Capture
- Message.Color
- Message.Detected
- Message.FirerColor
- Message.InsufficientFunds
- Message.Launch
- Message.Lost
- Message.Ready
- MessageTextColor
- MindControl.Permanent
- Missile.Custom
- Missile.PauseFrames
- Missile.PitchFinal
- Missile.PitchInitial
- Missile.TiltFrames
- Missile.TurnRate
- MultiplayerScore.LoseTheme
- MultiplayerScore.WinTheme