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Revision as of 11:52, 7 January 2011 by Vinifera7 (talk | contribs) (Added Applicable INI Flags section)
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This page should correctly be named "[Warheads]"; it is wrong due to technical restrictions.

This section of rules(md).ini is a list of all available warheads in the game. Rumor has it that weapons' warheads work even if not listed, however, this will prevent other game and map functions from working properly.

There is no logical reason for omitting the list entry, and as such you should not expect help on an unlisted warhead.

Note: Several sources, including The Guide mention a mysterious Warheads flag in the [Maximums] section. There is a flag called Warhead (sans the s) in RA's rules controlling that, but this revision's author was unable to find proof for a flag called "Warheads" in both TS's and YR's rules(md).ini.

Applicable INI Flags

These tables show all INI flags applicable1 to Warheads. The flags are grouped by the internal classes the flags are inherited from, and then listed in the order they are read in by the game. You can re-sort the rows by column values by clicking the arrow icons in the column headings. Each flag can be clicked to visit its page for detailed information.

Please note that this section is accurate only for Yuri's Revenge. All other C&C games use different sets of flags.

1 "Applicable" in this context means "read from the INI files". Certain flags listed here don't have any effect ingame , but they are read and in certain cases cause a crash if not present. Again, refer to each flag's individual page for detailed information.

INI File Section Key Value Type Default Value Adds to list
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Name string(48 symbols) ID
Rules(md).ini Object's ID UIName string(31 symbol) ""

INI File Section Key Value Type Default Value Adds to list
Rules(md).ini Object's ID CellSpread float 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID CellInset float 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID PercentAtMax float 1.0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID CausesDelayKill boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID DelayKillFrames int 5
Rules(md).ini Object's ID DelayKillAtMax float 1.0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID CombatLightSize float 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Particle ParticleSystem 0 +
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Conventional boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Wall boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID WallAbsoluteDestroyer boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID PenetratesBunker boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Wood boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Tiberium boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Sparky boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Sonic boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Rocker boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID DirectRocker boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Fire boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Bright boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID CLDisableRed boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID CLDisableGreen boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID CLDisableBlue boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID AnimList vector<Animation> {} +
Rules(md).ini Object's ID InfDeath int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Deform float 0.0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID DeformThreshold int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID EMEffect boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID MindControl boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Poison boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID IvanBomb boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID ElectricAssault boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Parasite boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Temporal boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID IsLocomotor boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Locomotor CLSID Teleport
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Airstrike boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Psychedelic boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID BombDisarm boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Paralyzes boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Culling boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID MakesDisguise boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID NukeMaker boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID ProneDamage float 1.0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Radiation boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID PsychicDamage boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID AffectsAllies boolean 1
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Bullets boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Veinhole boolean 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID ShakeXlo int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID ShakeXhi int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID ShakeYlo int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID ShakeYhi int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID MaxDebris int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID MinDebris int 0
Rules(md).ini Object's ID DebrisTypes vector<VoxelAnimation> {} +
Rules(md).ini Object's ID DebrisMaximums vector<int> {}
Rules(md).ini Object's ID Verses float[11] {1.0}