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Category:Rules(md).ini Flags
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This category is intended as a reference to all tags usable in rules(md).ini.
Pages in category "Rules(md).ini Flags"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,146 total.
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- LightningDeferment
- LightningHitDelay
- LightningPrintText
- LightningRod
- LightningScatterDelay
- LightningSeparation
- LightningSound
- LightningSounds
- LightningStormDuration
- LightningWarhead
- LightRedTint
- LightSize
- LightVisibility
- LimboLaunch
- Limit
- LimpetFactor
- LineMultiplier
- LineTrailColorOverride
- ListIndex
- LoadingTheme
- LoadScreenText.Name
- LoadScreenText.SpecialName
- Lobber
- LobMusic
- Locale
- LocalRadarColor
- Locomotor
- Lose
- LostEvaEvent
- LowerCell
- LowPowerPenaltyModifier
- MakesDisguise
- Malicious
- ManualControl
- ManualReload
- Maps/Section: Actions
- Maps/Section: Aircraft
- Maps/Section: AITriggerTypesEnable
- Maps/Section: CellTags
- Maps/Section: Events
- Maps/Section: Infantry
- Maps/Section: Smudge
- Maps/Section: Structures
- Maps/Section: Terrain
- Maps/Section: Triggers
- Maps/Section: Tubes
- Maps/Section: Units
- Maps/Section: VariableNames
- Maps/Section: Waypoints
- MasterMindOverloadDeathSound
- MaxAngularVelocity
- MaxBlockCount
- MaxDamage
- MaxDC
- MaxDebris
- MaxEC
- MaximumAIDefensiveTeams
- MaximumBaseDefenseValue
- MaximumBuildingPlacementFailures
- MaximumCheerRate
- MaximumQueuedObjects
- MaxIQLevels
- MaxLowPowerProductionSpeed
- MaxMoney
- MaxNumberOccupants
- MaxPlayer
- MaxTrees
- MaxUnitCount
- MaxVeinholeGrowth
- MaxVelocityWhenFollowing
- MaxVelocityWhenHappy
- MaxVelocityWhenPissedOff
- MaxWaypointPathLength
- MaxXYVel
- MaxZVel
- MCVRedeploys
- MCVRepacks
- MenuText.Status
- Message.Abort
- Message.Activate
- Message.CannotFire
- Message.Capture
- Message.Color
- Message.Detected
- Message.FirerColor
- Message.InsufficientFunds
- Message.Launch
- Message.Lost
- Message.Ready
- MessageCharTyped
- MessageDelay
- MessageTextColor
- MetallicDebris
- MigAttackCursor
- MinAngularVelocity
- MinDamage
- MindClearedSound
- MindControl
- MindControl.Permanent
- MindControlAttackLineFrames
- MindControlRingOffset
- MinDebris
- MineAware
- MinimumAIDefensiveTeams
- MinimumRange
- MinLowPowerProductionSpeed
- MinMoney
- MinPlayer
- MinPlayers
- MinUnitCount
- MinVolume
- MinZVel
- MinZVelocity
- MissileSafetyAltitude
- MissileSpawn
- MobileFire
- ModemName
- Money
- MoneyIncrement
- MoveFlash
- MovementPerturbationCoefficient
- MovementRestrictedTo
- MovementZone
- MoveSound
- MoveToShroud
- MovieOff
- MovieOn
- MovieTime
- Mpmodes.ini
- MultiEngineer
- Multiplay
- MultiplayerAICM
- MultiplayerDebug
- MultiPlayerOnly
- MultiplayerScore.LoseTheme
- MultiplayerScore.WinTheme
- MultiplayPassive
- MultipleFactory
- MustAlly
- MutateExplosion
- MutateExplosionWarhead
- MutateWarhead
- MuzzleFlash
- MyEffectivenessCoefficient
- MyEffectivenessCoefficientDefault
- Name
- NamedCivilians
- Natural
- NaturalParticleLocation
- NaturalParticleSystem
- Naval
- NavalTargeting
- NeedsEngineer
- NetCard
- NetID
- Neutral
- NeutralTechBuildings
- NeverUse
- NewINIFormat
- NewPlayableCountries
- NextMonoPage
- NextParticle
- NextParticleOffset
- NextScenario
- NoAutoFire
- NoCursor
- NodAdvancedPower
- NodAIBuildsWalls
- NODBarracks
- NodBaseDefenseCoefficient
- NodeCount
- NodGateOne
- NodGateTwo
- NodHunterSeeker
- NodRegularPower
- NoManualEnter
- NoManualFire
- NoManualUnload
- Nominal
- NoMovingFire
- NonVehicle
- NoParachuteMaxFallRate
- NormalTargetingDelay
- NoSelfGuardArea
- NoShadow
- NoSpawnAlt
- NoThreat
- NotHuman
- NotWorkingSound
- NSGates
- Nuke.Payload
- Nuke.PsiWarning
- Nuke.SiloLaunch
- Nuke.TakeOff
- NukeDown
- NukeExplosion
- NukeMaker
- NukeProjectile
- NukeSilo
- NukeTakeOff